"What, cat got your tongue?" Black jeered once you were settled in, and suddenly Trunks' hatred returned. Or more specifically, sprung back to the surface. It had never left. Even now his mother's death still hurt.

"Yeah what-" His voice began to grow louder until the oncoming argument was halted by your frail moan of discomfort.

"Just get the damn Senzu," Black growled lowly, his onyx eyes mere stormy slits.

Trunks closed his jaw with an audible snap, and clenching his fists, he forced himself to calm down, at least until you had healed a little. Digging around his dirty Capsule Corp jacket, his fingers closed around the last Senzu.

Gently, he pried open your dry lips with one hand while the other held your head, and managed to slip the bean inside your mouth without choking you. Your face relaxed and you appeared to go limp in his hands, a small smile twitching at the corner of Trunks' mouth as he stared at you in solace. Black had to physically restrain himself from attacking the boy when he saw that Trunks was touching what was rightfully his, though he knew you would disapprove if you were awake.

I just have to deal with him a little longer, Black told himself, struggling to contain his composure. They were one word away from continuing their fight, and your presence was the only thing stopping them.

For now, all they could do was to wait for you to rest up enough to fly back to Zamasu. There were too many things that needed to be sorted out, and frankly, Trunks wondered if they would ever be able to untangle the spider's web of murder and secrets. After returning you to your former position, Trunks slid as far away from Black as possible while still being close enough to keep an eye on you, sitting against the wall with one tired eye open. Like Black, he had to suppress the impulse to spring to action when he saw the spiky-haired God scoot closer to you, though not yet touching.

Though his feelings for you weren't the same as Black's, his survival this far was partly owing to you, saving his life multiple times. Over time, he had come to think of you as one of his closest friends, on par with Mai. There was nothing he wouldn't do to keep you safe much like Black, though the idea that that serial killer had his sights set on you made his insides riot.

As hard as Trunks fought to stay awake, he finally lost to the alleviating lull of sleep's velvety wings, whisking him off into another dimension. Black waited until the hero's head hit his chest before moving over to you, losing all interest in Trunks when he glanced over at your moonlit figure.

Even after everything you had been through you still looked to him the same as the day he had first met you, more alluring than any being in the universe. Sliding his fingers into your h/c locks, he began untangling all the knots and picking out the bits of leaves from your hair. The silver moonshine framed your face beautifully, and even with all the soot and wounds on you it made you no less appealing to him.

After all this time he was still unsure what caused him to obsess over you, and at this point he didn't really care anymore. Love was still a foreign emotion to the lonely God, and even in his youth he had never experienced anything remotely like it. At this moment he wasn't really sure what he felt for you, Hell, it might not even be love. Whatever it was, it inexplicably drew him to you. Black used to try to convince himself that it was because you were technically immortal and one of the only females left who genuinely didn't make him vomit when he touched them, but now he knew that it was a complete lie to justify his attraction. Your immortality had nothing to do with it, though it definitely made things a whole lot less complicated. Or maybe it was the feeling of not wanting to be alone for the rest of eternity, once the Zero Mortal Plan had been completed, though he would never admit it to anyone.

Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now