as if a tidal wave hit her, max was brought back to the upside down. as she stared into the the overgrown house of wills she remembered calling for him before she passed out. memories flooded back to her as remembered what had happened in the upside down. she looked around and saw a red flashing light coming from the window on the door. she shakily stood up from the couch and began to move towards the the door. max slowly extended her hand and opened the front door.

in the door way she could see the red flashing lightning, and through that she could see a large shadow looming over the sky. max's breath caught her throat as she stared out at it. max's body began shaking as the figure began to get bigger. she noticed the long tentacle reaching out quicker than her mind could process. she felt the cold touch on her body when she felt a wave of nausea come over her.

"holy shit max are you ok?"

max's body woke and shot up quick. she was breathing heavily as she held on to her chest trying to catch a breath. "oh my-" max's body was shaking as she was trying to grip everything that had just happened. she didn't understand what was going on. the dreams started as, well dreams, but now she was getting a feeling from them, before, during and after they occurred. max was whispering gibberish to herself as rocked back and forth trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

"max... max!"

max jumped at the sudden voice from beside her. the red head turned to face the group and sat shocked as she looked around. everyone one was there. the party including el and steve were surrounding her, nancy and jonathan weren't to far away from her as-well as joyce and hopper.

"max," mike said softly trying to put a hand on her arm. max jumped at the sudden contact. "max," she heard a different voice say. she turned to look at steve who slowly walking toward her, "hey kid," he said sitting beside mike. max's body was still shaking violently but her breathing had calmed down. "hey, hey your ok," steve said sensing some of her panic. max sat with a quivering lip still trying come back to her senses.

"hey max," mike tried again, talking very softly, "look your okay, we're all here," he said moving his hand close to hers, "your here," max repeated, "everyone, look," max looked up again to see everyone's frightened but sympathetic faces, "everyones here," she whispered reassuring herself.

"your safe now," she heard will say from beside her. max nodded her shaking head and began fiddling with her hands. "max honey, do you want to tell us what's wrong," joyce said concerned walking towards her. max looked up at her with teary eyes. closing her eyes she slowly nodded turning her attention to her lap.

clearing her throat max began to explain, "ever s-since the night with the demo dogs and- and just the upside down in general i've been having, these- these dreams. the first weeks they weren't constant, but as weeks turned into months, they started occurring more than an average dream would." she said slowly, "at first i thought they were just nightmares so i shook it off, but it was weird because i had never been in the actual upside-down or- or seen that creature for me to fully picture what it actually looks like you know?"

"max what's happening in the dreams," the raven haired boy who sat next to her asked, "w-well, i'm in the upside down-" "what does the upside down look like?" hopper interrupted with his arms crossed, "well, it's like it can be anywhere," max said, "it's hawkins just dark, and cold, and scary," max replied, "the sky is dark and cloudy, then it will turn bright red and thunder and lightning will go off and the ground and any structure is just covered in vines and weird plant and slug things,"

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