Chapter 2: whats the main food penguins eat

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He's Not Dead Yet

I get it! I don't own Harry Potter or Monty Python, ya blimey, pusillanimous bastards!

*Looks sheepish* I'm sorry. I get a little…on edge. After all, I haven't slept since 1945.

What is the Main Food that Penguins Eat?

When Harry's vision cleared, he was sitting on a very familiar wall on a very familiar street. In an alleyway across from him, Harry saw a very, very familiar dog. Harry, thinking quickly, opened his trunk and pulled out a small packet of biscuits he remembered he had stolen from the kitchen and hidden in his trunk in that timeline. He opened the packet, held out a biscuit, and gave a soft whistle. The dog eyed the biscuit hungrily (Harry knew Sirius probably hadn't seen real food in ages) and darted forward to accept the offered food.

"Hey, Padfoot," Harry said as he gave his 'dog'-father another biscuit.

The dog froze and his eyes met Harry's.

"Yes, Sirius, I know who you are and that you're innocent."

The dog began to wag his tail; his eyes looked tearful.

"I can't tell you how at the moment, but I have a plan. I'll need you to pretend to be a dog for a little while longer, okay?"

Sirius nodded.

"Okay." Harry stood up, uttered "Lumos," and held out his wand to summon the Knight Bus.

A few moments later, there was a crack and the violently purple triple-decker appeared.

"Welcome to The Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening."

"Hi," Harry said; he wasn't sure why, but it was actually reassuring to see Stan again; the pimply-faced teen was yet another innocent person whose life he could save. "Er…is it alright if my dog comes with me?"

"Sure 'fing, s'long as 'ee don't cause no trouble," Stan replied.

Stan helped Harry load the trunk onto the bus and directed him over to one of the beds.

"Eleven Sickles," Stan said.

Harry handed him the money and took his seat; Sirius jumped onto the bed after him.

"Take 'er away, Ern."

Harry still wasn't used to the Knight Bus and had to cling to one of the bedposts to keep from falling onto the floor. Sirius gave a soft bark that sounded very similar to a chuckle. Throughout the duration of the ride on the Knight Bus, Harry noticed that Stan was watching him curiously, as if trying to figure out where he'd seen him before. Soon enough, they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron; and who should be there? Why, none other than the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

In a matter of minutes, Harry was in a private room in the Leaky Cauldron, having a conversation with the Minister. Harry had to suppress a very real urge to throttle the man for everything he did in the previous timeline. Fudge, once again, asked Harry to stay in Diagon Alley and not venture out into the Muggle world.

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