Chapter Four

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Azure was relieved the big brown-and-green dragon had left as quickly as he had arrived. Despite her oversized belly, Azure was a bit small for a dragon. But Alex? He was large. And not flabby-large; no, Alex was muscular. Big dragons by themselves made her uncomfortable, but big handsome dragons just downright flustered her.

A muddy brown sat atop his angular face, dripping down his back and the base of his wings, while a deep forest green covered the rest of his scales. Pale yellow coated his underscales and the sails between his wings, much like her own. And she couldn't stop thinking about his eyes! Instead of the muddy brown of his scales, they deepened to the shade of a tree's bark at nighttime.

Azure was positive she'd never seen him before, and his name was exotic enough to have come from somewhere else in Tyree, since his accent was definitely from this land. Perhaps the mountains on the other side? But that brought up the question Why was he here? Had someone sent him?

Had her uncle sent him? Alex hadn't seemed to know what she'd been talking about, but that didn't really mean anything. Her uncle could be underhanded at times, sneaky as a snake, and she wouldn't put it past him to send a spy. She didn't think Alex had been fishing for some kind of information, but if he had, it must have been obscure. Obscure enough that she couldn't catch his meaning, anyway. (Which didn't mean much. She wasn't exactly the brightest star in the sky.)

Perhaps he really had been just a traveler passing through, needing a quick rest. Whatever the case, his arrival had set her instincts off. But time to think on why would have to come later—she didn't think Susi would appreciate being left behind in such a manner. Sara would welcome the extra time with Karno and his family, but his family would not forgive Azure easily for allowing the human to stay for so long.


"Well, it's about time you girls came back!" exclaimed Sara and Susi's adoptive mother as they gilded into view. "I was wondering when you three would return. Did anything exciting happen? It's awfully late for nothing to have happened."

Azure had flown the twins, Sara and Susi, to their little cottage in the woods. It was just around her mountain from the Flicks' territory, so it hadn't been a long trip by flight. Both of them, however, were upset. Sara was pouting that no one would let her become a werewolf, and Susi was annoyed with her sister for embarrassing her in front of Mama Jarlu. They were both angry with Azure for flying away and leaving them, however short that time may have been.

"Sorry, Gemma," Azure apologized, crouching low to the ground so the twins could dismount easier. "Sara and Karno were raising their usual ruckus, and I had a visitor distract me for a few moments."

"Usual ruckus?!" Sara sputtered. Her sister just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"More work?" Gemma asked sympathetically, ignoring the girls and reaching up to rub the dragon's shoulder.

"I actually had a quiet day today, until the twins started acting up," Azure replied, grinning at the girls. "But no, the visitor I had was just a dragon passing through."

No need to worry the witch and her daughters over some funny feelings.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Gemma exclaimed, beaming. "It's about time you had a day to rest. Well, don't let us keep you; come, girls, let's clean things up for the night."

Even though she's not their real mother, she raised them well. Azure watched them trail into the cottage. As soon as they were inside, she lifted herself into the air with a few strong wingbeats. I just wish she'd raised them knowing the Lord. God, please help me show them Your love. They need You, even if they don't realize it.

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