It's hard to say goodbye

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Before reading this, i want you to know i'm a frenchie who TRY to write something in english. This is not my native language, there will be grammatical errors, i'm very sorry, i have no one who can correct it for me. So please be indulgent with me and try to enjoy the fanfic. Thanks guys.

-Good work students, you can have the rest of the day off.

-Thanks Aizawa Sensei. Said Kirishima. Hey Izubro, you okay man, you have blood on your mouth?

-Maybe someone hit me harder than i think back in the training exercisse.

-Take care of yourself bro, it's not manly to not taking care of his body.

-I will Kirishima-san, don't worry about me.

Later that day most of the class where chilling in the common room playing games or watching tv, suddenly we ear someone caughing hard. A few heads turn around to see Izuku a hand over his mouth with dificulty to breath.

-Midoriya-san are you okay? Here a handkerchief for your mouth.

-Thanks a lot Yaoyorozu, maybe i'm a little ill. I'll go to my room sleep for a while, maybe i'll fell better after a few hours. He excuse himself and walk to his room. He look at the handkerchief and see blood in it.


Days pass and students have normal schools days, one morning everyone was in time for homeroom exept for one student who seem to be late or absent.

-Does anyone of you have seen Midoriya this morning?

Everyone in the class respond they have not see him this morning for breakfeast.

-He must have oversleep, stay calm for a few minute i'll get someone to wake him and bring him here asap. Aizawa get out of the class to text All Might

-Hey Yagi, Midoriya is not in class this morning, can you go to the dorm and wake the problem child before he miss all the morning class.

A few minutes after reciving the text, All Might was in front of the room of his successor knocking at the door. It's not him to not respond to the door, maybe he is sick or something. Toshinori turn the doorknob and the door was not locked. He enter the room full of memorablia of himself and see the form of his student in his bed.

-Young Midoriya, you need to wake up, school have alerady started and you are still asleep, are you okay my boy. Izuku does not respond at firts. All Might shake the boy'shoulder to see blood on his pillow. MIDORIYA!!!The boy open his eye in panic to see his idol in his room, panic in his eye.

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