Chapter 14 Locust Campaign pt.2

Start from the beginning

Benjamin: Ya..I knew that, I just wanted to hear you say it since ya know the incident at Beacon with the window thing

Blake's face turns red with that memory

Blake: Glad you remember that...

As Baird makes a sharp turn Blake slides and her face lands on Benjamins chest plate.

Yang: Well that looked smooth Blake

Blake: Accidents happen.. -she blushes-

Yang: I am joking Blake, I trust you with him

Benjamin: Is this about sharing me?

Yang: Ya..if you don't mind it

Benjamin: No I don't mind it

Blake: Cool then I suppose you won't mind if I lay on you?

Yang: Ya me too?

Benjamin: By all means ladies go ahead I do not mind

Blake and Yang both rest their heads on Benjamin.

Clayton: Good one Bro, you got two now.

Baird stops the truck.


Yang: We here?

Yang peeks over and sees bodies everywhere.

Yang: No..No...NO!

Ruby jumps out of the truck and runs to a body.

The gears get out of the truck and do a perimeter sweep.

Clayton: This looks bad was the Locust no doubt about it

Marcus glances over and sees a Nemacyst and it dives towards the ground near them and they take cover all the sudden the Locust ambush them.

Marcus: AMBUSH!

Baird: No shit!

The gears take cover as does Team RWBY and the 3 members of JNPR

Ren: This is for Jaune! -he shoots a Drone in the head-

Nora: This is for Shade! -she throws a grenade-

The grenade lands near a Grenadier and explodes killing him.

Pyrrha fires at the Locust in her sights but she gets flashbacks of Jaune.

Qrow: Will they ever let up?


A Grenadier throws a grenade near Ren and Nora and Pyrrha they move away from eachother and the grenade goes off. Ren and Nora get back in cover, Pyrrha is caught in a crossfire and can't move being pinned, Marcus sees this and has a flashback of Lt.Minh being pinned the sameway.

Ren: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: I'm fine Ren worry about the battle.

Suddenly a stray bullet comes from behind Benjamin.


Clayton: Pick your targets and divide your fire!

RAAM is walking on the battlefield but is coming up behind the gears and the others.

Benjamin looks around and sees RAAM coming.

Pyrrha is still in a firefight not paying attention to whats going on behind her and she gets the feeling she is being watched, she turns around quickly to meet the 10ft general and she tries to chainsaw him but he grips the Lancers bayonet and rips it out of her grip and throws it away then kicks her down then grabs her by her throat and pulls out his sword and stabs Pyrrha in her stomach. RAAM jams his blade in further causing to cough up blood and then she goes limp, RAAM pushes her off his blade and walks away as Ruby sees this and her eyes begin to show a grow aura around them with silver wings and she blinds everyone else as Ruby blacksout and slaughters the Locust surrounding them but RAAM gets away.

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