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hot water peppered kisses onto the pale, delicate flowers that sprouted from the flushed skin of mike wheeler

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hot water peppered kisses onto the pale, delicate flowers that sprouted from the flushed skin of mike wheeler. the temperature of the water coming from the shower's head caused his skin to become a bright pink. curls stuck to his cheeks and forehead as mike attempted to wash his face. usually, mike didn't bother to touch his face in the shower, but since he'd be seeing will after school today (jane had invited the whole gang over to play D&D), mike made sure to look good for will. mike always has to be good enough for will.

after everything that was done, mike quickly turned the handle of the shower, causing the hot water to stop abruptly. the only thing left to hear in the bathroom were the the little water droplets coming out of the faucet, falling down onto the shower floor with a little 'plop'. the ebony haired boy wrapped a soft grey towel around his body and practically sprinted towards his bedroom, closing the door after him. deciding what to wear was a struggle for mike, as he had no sense of style whatsoever. without thinking at all, mike slipped on a grey t-shirt and regular dark wash jeans before dousing himself in cologne that he had snagged from his dad. feeling content, the scrawny boy grabbed his shoes and a pair of socks before bolting down the stairs. at this point, mike didn't even try to fix his hair anymore...it just seemed to have a mind of its own.

as mike was putting his shoes on, nancy spoke up from the couch where she and jonathan were watching some corny kids show with holly.

"where are you going? and why do you smell so bad?" she asked, scrunching her nose up. mike might've put a bit too much cologne on, now that he thought of it.

"jane's house. do i really smell that bad?" he replied, sniffing his shirt. he didn't smell that bad, really. only 10 sprays of perfume.

"mike you don't smell bad...you smell disgusting! it's like someone threw you into a dumpster then tried to cover it up by drowning you in perfume" she hissed, covering her nose with her thumb and pointer finger.

"gee thanks, nance. now i'm gonna leave before you even try to make me fix my hair" mike sighed, seeing that nancy was eyeing his hair with mortification shining in her eyes.

nancy merely nodded, looking mike up and down before returning to the couch with jonathan and holly. shaking his head, the 16 year-old boy fled the house, thoughts of a certain brown-haired boy running through his head. mike's eyes wandered from his mom's fresh-out-of-the-dealer 1987 camaro to his his worn out red bike that he'd been pals with since the age of 12. really, mike would've  been able to drive the car if his parents were nice enough to actually let him go near a car. this whole situation seemed hilarious to mike's friend group, as they had cars AND nice parents.

walking towards his bike, mike mounted it and rode the shabby little thing to the hopper residence. wind blew fiercely at mike, causing the flowers sprouting from his skin to move back and forth violently. his legs burned with exhaustion, begging for him let them rest. as their house came into view, mikes stomach erupted with nausea. what if he fucked everything up? what if he didn't know what to say? just the thought of being next to will set mike's anxiety through the roof. he was bound to embarrass himself in front of will.

stopping in front of the house, mike set his bike down on the grass and walked slowly to jane's the front door. the nausea started to kick in as he knocked on the door. to his surprise, the door opened in less than 2 seconds, revealing max's face.

"mike! come in, we we're just about to start the game" she laughed, opening the door for him as he came in. he mumbled a quiet 'thanks' before untying his shoes laces, too scared to say something more. mike was silent as he walked to jane's room with max, letting her ramble on about how she learned a new trick on her skateboard. the boy was surprised that max didn't notice mike's hands shaking like crazy. when they entered the room, everyone seemed to be staring at them with impatience.

"finally!" lucas groaned, opening the board game and setting up the pieces with dustin.

"excuse him" max said, eyeing lucas dangerously.

but at this point, mike didn't give two shits about lucas or max. his eyes were set on the tiny bowl-haired boy who seemed to be having a conversation with jane. just the sight of will made mike's stomach go funny. and not in a good way.

"hey, jane...where's your bathroom?"he gasped, his mouth becoming salty.

"across the hall?" she said, worry laced in her voice as she saw mike begin to gag slightly.

nodding, he ran to the bathroom as fast as he could. fortunately, he made it to the toilet on time and began to let everything out. mike was disgusted with himself. he was supposed to the have evening with will, flirting and laughing but he ended up vomiting because of his stupid anxiety. what would will think of him now? now all he wanted to do at this point was go home and never go out again.

wiping his mouth, he headed over to the sink to rinse his mouth. mike cupped his hands and let the water fall before putting it into his mouth and gurgling it. piece of shit, he said to himself as tears of embarrassment ran down his face.

"mike...are you okay?" a soft voice called from the doorway.

mike spun around and saw the person he wanted to see the least.

will fucking byers.


hey ! i wrote this chapter because i went through the same exact thing. i went to my crushes house and threw up because i was so scared...it was so fucking embarrassing LET ME TELL YOU!! anyways, part two comes out whenever i feel like it ):



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