Chapter 32

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After dinner, I went up to my room to get ready to shower. Ricky came in with me.

"Dwayne, I finally did it." He said excitedly.

"Did what?" I asked.

"I did a lot of hesitation, but I finally asked her out."

"Oh great. What did she say?"

"Well," Ricky paused and got a little closer to me, "she said yes. We can be boyfriend and girlfriend starting tomorrow."

"That's awesome." I congratulated. "See, I told you there was nothing to worry about. Just be yourself."

I can't believe my little brother finally got his first girlfriend. It's pretty cute but it's also kinda sad that he had one younger than me. It's okay though, still proud of him.


In the kitchen on a Thursday morning, me and Ricky were eating our bowl of Cap'N Crunch. JD finally came downstairs to eat his breakfast.

"Eww, how can y'all eat those?" JD asked.

I looked at the cereal box next to me then back at JD. "What's wrong with it?"

JD grabbed his little stepping stool and grabbed a cereal box from on top of the fridge. "They taste gross to me. I'll rather eat the apple cinnamon Cheerios."

I made a face while Ricky just looked at him. "I'm pretty sure you're the only person in this house that likes that cereal."

"And probably the only one that doesn't like Cap'N Crunch." I added.

"At least this taste better." JD tried to defend himself.

Me and Ricky began to laugh out loud at his comment. "Yeah right." Ricky said.

We heard footsteps and saw Dad. "C'mon boys, lets finish up before we're late."

"Daddy," JD called, "do you think apple cinnamon Cheerios taste better than Cap'N Crunch?"

"Jay you know you're the only one here who likes that cereal." Dad said as me and Ricky quietly snickered.

"It taste better though."

"Yeah, not really." Dad said.

"Hmph, whatever." JD fixed his bowl of Cheerios and ate in silence.

"You're missing out on the good stuff." Ricky teased as he grabbed the Cap'N Crunch cereal box and shook it in JD's face.

JD looked like he was about to punch the box and spill the cereal everywhere. "Okay let's leave him alone now." I said trying to prevent that scenario from happening.


Right now I am so cautious of my surroundings because you'll never know what actions Andrew might do. He's unpredictable. I felt someone shaking my left arm and I immediately jumped. I sighed and saw that it was just Jacqueline. "Oh, hey sweetie. What's up?"

"I just found out some news." Jacqueline said sounding excited.

"What is it?" Jacqueline got closer to me and all of a sudden kissed me. I smiled and said, "I appreciated that but can you tell me the news for real?"

Jacqueline giggled. "Okay. I talked to Zachary earlier and I told him about how Andrew is bisexual." I glared at her in disbelief. "I know you told me not to tell other people but I just found out a plan. Zachary told me that he's bisexual too and we thought about something together."

"Go on." I said

"I told him about the little fiasco between you and Andrew and I asked him if he was willing to ask Andrew out so he can finally leave you alone. He said yes."

Dwayne's Middle School Daysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें