Chapter 13

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After Dad dropped me off to school, I slowly and tiredly entered the building. Everybody was mellow and quiet on a Monday morning, good. I continued down the hallway until I felt two hands on my shoulders and someone trying to jump on my back. "Hi Dwayne." I heard a familiar voice.

"Hi Jacqueline." I greeted back. Jacqueline started to blush as soon as she looked into my eyes. I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that Christopher secretly told me that she has a crush on me. But then I remembered the thoughts I had about her last weekend; her cute big hazel eyes, her long curly brown hair, her cute little smile forming on her face and the fact that she's a little short. I began to feel fuzzy and couldn't help but blush a little, too. 

The warning bell began to rang and made the both of us jump out of our trances. "So um, I guess that means we should start heading to class, right?" Jacqueline trembled. 

I chuckled. "I guess so." I totally forgot that we have first period together, so me and Jacqueline began to walk awkwardly next to each other. "Soooo, how's life?" Really? How's life? What a nice way to start a fucking conversation with a girl, Dwayne.

"Life's actually going pretty well for me." Jacqueline answered not sounding too uncomfortable. "I'm actually happy to be friends with you. I feel that since I'm finally starting middle school, I should make new friends. But most of the people in this school are from the elementary school and I already know these people, but I bumped into you and I had never seen you before so I felt that you were new around here, which of course you are. So I thought, oh my god I made a new friend. And he's quite cute-- I mean, he seems like a nice person to hang out with. So yeah, I'm glad to be friends with you." 

I never knew Jacqueline can ramble on about certain stuff like that. We finally reached upstairs and went into our first period together.


At the lunch line, there is this little sign that tells us what's for lunch today. It said that we were having Domino's Pizza today. At my old school, we never had pizza from an actual pizza place, it was just either those handmade ones that taste like frozen pizza, or those circular ones. So I'm actually quite surprised that this school serves Domino's. 

I sat at the lunch table with my friends and Christopher began the conversation. "Am I the only person that doesn't like Ms. Patterson?"

"Yeah, she just yells twenty four seven and rambles on about off topic stuff everyday." Richard said while biting a piece of his pizza. 

From the corner of my eye I can see Jacqueline kind of staring at me. I turned to her and asked, "What?"

Jacqueline blushed real hard. "N-nothing." Jacqueline trembled. Christopher and Richard chuckled.

"Y'all are so cute." Richard teased.

"Please stop." I began to blush.

"I'm sorry you guys. It's just that y'all two seem to blush every time y'all two are near each other." Christopher said.

"Hey Richard." The curly red head girl came to our table.

"Oh hey Chanel." Richard hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Aw, y'all are so cute." I teased back at Richard.

Richard looked back at me and Chanel giggled. "I've never seen you around before. Are you new here?" Chanel asked me.

"Yeah, I came from Pennsylvania." I answered.

"Oh where in Pennsylvania?"


"That's cool. I visited Pittsburgh once because my family wanted to attend one of the Steelers' home games." Richard snickered and wrapped his arm around her. "What?"

"Oh nothing." Richard said. Y'know, he kind of reminds me of Ricky but older. I don't know why. It may be the fact that they both have the same name and they just somehow kind of have the same personality.


After school, me, Richard and Chanel walked to the cafeteria together. "Have fun at practice." Richard told Chanel.

"You have fun at practice, too." Chanel said kissing Richard's lips. When she walked away I gave Richard a thumbs up and a nod.

"Let's go." Richard said in frustration.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it?" I asked in a joking way. When we got to the choir room, I sat next to the Andrew kid again.

"Hi again." Andrew greeted.

"Hey." I said back.

"I have a question for you?" Andrew said.

Oh dear God, what? I thought in my head.

"Do you know this girl name Jacqueline Fischer?" He asked. 

"Umm, yes." I answered. "Why?"

"Oh nothing. I just see ya'll two hanging around a lot and I was just curious if ya'll were good friends or not."

"Oh, we are good friends. Actually really good friends."

"Hm, that's nice.." Andrew slowly turned straight in his seat which made me feel a little weird and uncomfortable. 

"Hey, what were you and Andrew talking about?" Richard asked me. 

"He was just asking if I was good friends with Jacqueline. Why were you being so nosey anyway?"

"I mean I forgot to tell you, but he can be a little....coocoo at times." Richard lowered his voice. "

"Oh." I sighed. 

Now I know to be more cautious around certain people.

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