Chapter 27

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I woke up on a sunny Sunday morning from a really nice dream. Me and Jacqueline had a little picnic together at the top of a hill watching the sunset. It was so romantic that it felt so real, and I wish that it was real. 

"D!" Ricky shouted that woke me up all the way, "I had that cockroach dream again!" 

"It is too early in the morning for you to be really loud about a dream." I mumbled. 

"But it was scarier than the last time." Ricky got up and walked to my bed. "The mom cockroach was big, like bigger than our cat. And she began to eat everything in our house. Then the roaches took over our house and we had to go homeless." 

"Well I highly doubt that there will be a mother roach the size of our cat taking over our house." I said sitting up. 

"C-can you come downstairs with me just in case a roach does pop out?" 

I sighed and got up from my bed. "C'mon scaredy cat." Me and Ricky walked downstairs and I began to tease him. "Oh no there's a roach right there!"

Ricky began to scream and ran downstairs as fast as he could. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe. Apparently Ricky couldn't breathe either. "Boy what is the matter with you?" Mom asked.

"That wasn't funny, Dwayne!" Ricky yelled. "He tried to scare me by saying that there was a cockroach by the stairs."

Mom sighed and shook her head. "Dwayne, stop teasing your brother." She said to me. 

"Well stop being so scared of roaches. They're not gonna bother you." I said.

"There are some who can fly." Ricky shot back.

"Well that's gonna be your fault for provoking it." 

"Boys," Mom called firmly "stop arguing fix y'all some cereal." 

"Yeah, fix y'all some cereal." JD teased.

"Jay Davon, stop." Dad said looking at him. 

Me and Ricky both made ourselves a bowl of Reese's Puffs. "So what do you guys think about going to a museum later on?" Mom asked.

"Ooh, which one?" JD asked. 

"The new one that just opened up by your dad's job." Mom answered. "It's suppose to have a baby center so that way we don't have to worry about Lucille until the end."

"But why can't Lucille see the cool things like the rest of us?" JD asked, that was probably like his billionth one.

"She's just a baby. She probably won't understand what she's saying or what's around her." Ricky said. 

I decided to change the stupid subject and said, "I'm interested in going to the museum." 

"Okay cool. Make sure you guys be ready by 2." Mom said.

"Okay." Me and my brothers said together and headed upstairs. 


I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about life. 

Does anything matter to me in this world?  Is my life worth living? Do I even matter to anyone in this world? The bigger question....why am I alive? 

I awoke from my terrible thoughts when Ricky walked in. "Figaro! Get off of my bed!" 

The cat jumped and landed on all fours on the floor. "Did you have to be so loud?" I asked.

"I don't want cat hair on my bed." Ricky said wiping the small amount of cat hair of his bed.

"I know but still." I said. 

"Sorry geez." Ricky grabbed a book from his mini bookshelf. "Have you ever read the Song of Ice and Fire series?" 

"No." I quickly answered. He knows damn well I don't read those boring things. 

"You should, it's really good." Ricky said. 

"More like it's really boring." 

"That's where you're wrong, sir." 

"Hey it's my opinion." 

"Hey it's my opinion." Ricky mocked me. I got up off my bed and pulled Ricky to the floor and I sat on his back. "Get off of me." 

"Nope." I said. 

"Dwayne, please get off." 

"Not until you say sorry for mocking me."


"Then I'm not getting off." 

Ricky began to squirm like a fish out of water, but I didn't budge. "Get off of me." I felt him trying to hit my leg like that's gonna do something. "Please get off." 

"Ooh, we're playing doggy pile? Yay!" I heard JD's voice squeak as he ran up to us and flopped on Ricky's butt. 

"Awww why!?" Ricky wailed.  

"Keep telling him to apologize so we can get off." I told JD. 

"Apologize!" JD yelled at Ricky. 

"No!" Ricky yelled back.





"A *slap* polo *slap* gize *slap*!" JD began slapping Ricky's butt. 

"Ow stop! Okay okay I'm sorry." Ricky finally apologized.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked playfully.

"I said I'm sorry for mocking you." Ricky repeated. 

Me and JD both got up and I patted his head. "Thank you, that was all I needed." 


On our way to that new museum, I looked out the window enjoying the nice trees, buildings and different cars going by under the afternoon sunlight. I hope that this museum don't have anything boring, that'll be a waste of my Sunday afternoon. 

We pulled up to a three story building and admired the big sculptures that stood on the front lawn. After Mom placed Lucille in her stroller, we all walked to the ticket booth and she purchased five tickets. 

As we walked in the whole first floor looked so big and I saw a bunch of stuff hanging from the ceiling and different sized sculptures all around-there was so much to describe. 

"Woah." I heard JD whisper in awe.

"Um, where should we start?" Ricky asked. 

"How about we can start at the aquatic life section." Dad said.

"Yay let's look at some fishies." JD said excitedly. 

"Stay close to us. Don't go too far." Mom warned. 


That museum was actually pretty interesting. My favorite part of the whole thing was how factory life was during the late 1700s. The was a huge replica of a factory and we were able to go inside and look at the different tools and materials used. It felt so real and awesome. 

"Would you guys like some chinese food for dinner?" Mom asked as we pulled up to our house. 

"Yes." All of us answered at the same time. 

A/N: This chapter has very little going on I know. Things will get more interesting on the next few chapters hopefully, it's whatever my mind decides to write. I might even add a little romantic scene in the next chapter ;)

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