Chater fifteen

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        "Hey man, it's that time of year again Jase."
        "And what will that be?"
        "You, know what I'm talking about Jase."
        "And you know how I feel about your parties."
        "Yeah, but this year is different."
        "And you're telling me this because...."
        "Look man I just want you and your boys there, and bring that Sammie girl with you." My eyes widen when he spoke her name. I sucked air through my teeth and grip onto my phone tighter.
        "How do you know about Sammie?"
        "Don't worry about that man; just make sure you and your gang are here by eight, you down?"
        "Yeah whatever."
        "Already see you then." I guess one party wouldn't hurt right? I exhaled dramatically as I ran my hand through my golden brown hair, still thinking about how Chad knew about Sammie. Whatever, I shouldn't care, it's not like she's really my girl.
        I stalked out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed. My glance was on Jason, as he ran his hand run his hair and pulled it at end. He looked stressed out; well you would expect that from a heartless killer. I'm surprise he hasn't killed me yet.....why haven't he killed me? I shook that thought out of my mind and slowly make my way to the bed to see jazzy fast asleep Jazzy. I guess I should sleep on the couch. Jason didn't even acknowledge me, but instead yawn loudly and snuggled into Jazzy. I yawned as well and smiled  to myself, thinking about my escape. I feel happy about leaving this place. Soon enough I feel my eye lids getting heavier and heavier, I then entered into my world of sweet dreams.

        I was woken up from a peaceful slumber, by the loud sounds of laughing and screaming. I then knew it was Jazzy playing.
        "You can't catch me!" Whined Jazzy who was somehow naked for some reason. I frowned at this sight, confuse at the fact that she was naked.
        "Jazzy, come on put on your clothes." Jason said in an annoyed fatherly tone. He can bomb cities and kill thousands of people, but he can't dress a four year old? She ran my way giggling like there is no tomorrow and that's when I caught her.
        "Nooooo,you caught mee." She wiggled in my arms as she continues to laugh like she's on some laughing gas or something. Jason took her from me without saying a word, putting on her clothes. I sighed and went down the stairs to avoid Mr. Rainbows and sunshine. I sat down quietly on la sofa' de la sala, thinking about my escape, somehow I'll escape tonight.
        "Hey, Sammie." James greeted me suddenly, smiling like he's some kind of ninny
        "Umm hi" I awkwardly respond, because the boys don't really converse with me.
        "So have Jason decided about taking you to the party tonight?" He asked while taking a seat right next to me. My forehead crinkled at his question.
        "What party?"
        "Uhhh never mind then, guess he hasn’t told you yet." He nervously giggled, scared that he gave information he wasn't supposed to.
        "Told me what?" I ask still wanting to know what in the world he was talking about.
        "You have gorgeous eyes." He complimented, trying to avoid my question. He stared deep into my soul with his piercing brown eyes, making my cheeks flutter bright red.
        "Thanks" I mumbled a little embarrass. He smirked at me, sending a quick wink my way. Why are boys so weird?
        "Sammie get your ass up here NOW!" Jason angered voice filled my ear drums, making me jump up at the sound. My stomach twisted in knots and my palms became sweaty.
        "He same angry." James pointed out the obvious. I glared at him, giving him a 'No shit Sherlock' face.
         I finally got Jazzy's clothes on, now she's watching Dora, which was a little bit annoying but hey it wouldn't kill me. There was a loud knock on my door, and I was too lazy to answer it.
        "Come in." I yelled at the person who wanted to enter. And in came my brother Alex...oh joy.
        "UNCLE!" Jazzy exclaimed when she realizes it was him.
        "Hey Jazz, why don't you listen to this while I talk to your daddy." He handed her an iPod which he probably stole from God knows who.
        "YAY, I got an iPod I got an IPOD!" she chants as she began to listen the music. Once Alex tests out that she could hear us he turns to me.
        "You’re a fucking liar, you know that right." He spat
        "What the hell are you talking about man." I asked, pushing him from out of my face
        "Others may not see through you but I can." He puts his fingers on my chest and push me back with them
        "Sammie isn't your girl, you kidnap her."
        "You don't know anything."
        "Really, now why don't you call her and I'll ask her...the truth." I clench my jaw  to try to control myself from punching him.
        "Sammie get your ass up here NOW!"
        I knock upon his door with my shaken fist now only once before Jason swung it open, giving me an angry look that was stick onto his face. I gulp down hard before stuttering.
        "You-you called me?" I mumble as I hesitantly walked in.
        "Have a seat Sammie." Alex gestured. I slowly took my seat on the king size bed. I was more than scared right now. So much thought are running through my mind. Are they going to rape me, kill me? I try to shake the thoughts, but I just felt like I was in deep trouble.
        "Now Samantha Carter....What really happen and I want the truth." Alex asked, making me question both the facts that he knew my full name and what in the world is he talking about.
        "You see...I knew you were kidnap; in fact I know your hold story. May be I should kill you right here and now." I gasp with widen eyes. He through a newspaper at me that had my picture, but that's only what I got to saw before it was snitch away from me by Jason.
        "Maybe we shouldn't kill her man; I have a better idea........" Jason trailed off when he read something on the newspaper. I was glad that he didn't want to kill me but what idea does he have in mind. Knowing Jason, I know it isn't anything good.
        "Oh my God." Jason whisper as he read the newspaper over.
        "What is it Jason?" He shook his head quickly.
        "We'll talk about this later I have places to be." He claimed before walking out the door. I think there was something on that newspaper. I thought as I walked out as well.
        "Alex you got Jazzy for the rest of the evening right?" I asked kind of nervous leaving my angel behind. I would have left her with Sammie but I decided I rather take her than take Jazzy to risk her getting hurt at this stupid party.
        "Don't worry Jase she's in good hands." he raised both hands in defense while smirking. I got in his face and grab him by his shirt, pushing him up against the hard concrete wall.
        "I swear if you even THINK about hurting her I will rip off your balls and make you have them for dinner, you got it?" I spat at him.
        "Whaaoo hey man calm down, I realize you care for her so I would never ok?" I let him go roughly and called out for Jazzy who came in skipping sweetly shortly after.
        "Yes daddy?" she softly asks. I stoop down to level myself with her.
        "You’re staying with uncle tonight ok? Be a good girl." He nodded slowly before embracing me in a big hug. I kissed her soft cheek, then I picked her up and carried her to Alex
        "Uncle!" she squirmed out of my arms and acted Alex with a hug. I jog down the stairs to where the boys were waiting on me.
        "Ok boys let hit the road." I clasp my hands together, heading for the door.
        "Hey boos aren't you forgetting Sammie?" I face palmed myself, how can I forget
        "Oh shit."
        Someone roughly shook me out of my world of dreams
        "Get the hell up." Oh why if it isn't Mr. Jolly
        "Wha huh?" I ramble confuse
        "Wash your face we're going out." I raise an eyebrow at him. Where in the world is he taking me?
        "Hurry up girl, time is money." he exclaimed before stepping out, leaving me in a state of confusion. I stalked over to the bathroom, where I was going to wash all my tiredness away. I took a quickly hot shower, and then straighten my curly hair. I put on just a little make up that I have left. I know he said that I must just wash my face but, I don't think he was serious. Maybe this is my chance, my chance to escape after all. I slipped into a black short dress and sliver pumps. I went down into the living room where they were impatiently waiting on me. Checking their watches here and there. Finally Jason saw me.
        "It's about fucking............" Jason drifts off as he stared at me intensely. Soon enough he caught himself and clear his throat.
        "Let's just go now." he said as he walked out the door.

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