Ch. 2 - Calls and Texts

Start from the beginning

Shouto smiled, running his free hand down his face. "You're sure somethin', Katsuki."

"And you're a judgy little shit, Shouto."

"Mm." Shouto hummed softly to himself. After a moment of silence, he spoke. "... Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it- Wait, hold on," There was a crackly sound, then Katsuki's muffled voice. He picked out a couple words, and he sounded like he was arguing with someone. After just about a full minute, Katsuki came back on the line. "You still there?"

"Yeah." Shouto sat up, crossing his legs beneath himself. "What happened?"

"Some punk-ass kid was trying to steal some cigarettes. Sorry."

"I bet that was fun to see."

"Hah? What are you on about?"

"You, a fairly intimidating man, carrying a pretty floral bag, and aggressively reprimanding a kid for trying to steal something."

"Alright, smartass." Katsuki smiled slightly, though Shouto didn't need to know that. "Shut up. What was your question?"

"It's a little personal."

"If I don't wanna answer, I won't. Out with it."

"Alright. Are you Gay?"

"... If this is about the floral bag-"

Shouto snorted softly. "No, it's not that. I just..-" He sighed softly, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. "Just.. The way you were so casually joking around with me earlier had me curious, is all."

"Ah. Well, yes, I am. I have a friend that says," He put on his best impression of what sounded like a surfer dude's voice. "'You're about as Gay as Gay gets, BakuBro! But in, like, a totally manly way, dude!'"

Shouto couldn't help it. He laughed. He laughed harder than he knew he should have.

"Alright, alright, chill," Katsuki sounded somewhat amused. "Breathe, you idiot."

"Sorry, it's just-" He was still snickering. "You- I can't..- Is your friend a high surfer dude or something?"

"Eijirou? No, he's just a massive dork that calls me 'BakuBro', says 'bro' and 'dude' and 'that's so manly, dude' way too much." There was a touch of fondness in Katsuki's voice. "He's a good guy, though. Super nice- too fuckin' nice, sometimes."

Still chuckling softly, Shouto smiled as he asked. "How'd you two meet?"

"Starbucks. He worked there before I did, and left about a year after I started. He practically forced me to be his friend."

"How so?"

"You'll see, if you ever meet him." He snorted softly. "I was such a dick to him at first. I think he took that as a personal challenge, honestly."

"You? A dick to someone at Starbucks? Preposterous."

"I just rolled my eyes so fuckin' hard I saw my brain." That made Shouto chuckle quietly. "Anyway, It was a bad couple months. Life was a pigsty for me, and though I resented him a lot for it at the time, his constant.. Positivity really helped me, though was still annoying at times. He's just that kind of shithead. You can't not like him."

"He sounds like a good guy.."

"He really is. Anyway, now I've got a question for you."

"Alright." Shouto said with a soft hum, laying back down. "Ask away."

"Are you Gay?"

That actually made Shouto think. Was he Gay?.. He'd never really thought about it. He frowned slightly at his ceiling. "I.. I don't know. I just.. Am what I am."

This intrigued Katsuki.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't even know." Shouto said, sounding exasperated. "I'm pretty sure I'm not straight, but.. I don't know. I really don't.. I'm interested in women, but I think I also like men- But I don't- It's just-!" He let out a frustrated noise, tugging at his hair. "It doesn't make any sense, but I- I just don't know, and it's infuriating."

"That's fine." Katsuki said gently, seeming to sense that Shouto was starting to get worked up. "You don't even have to put a label on what you may or may not be."

Shouto stayed silent, laying his arm over his eyes. He needed a moment. He had never admitted any of that out loud, and for some reason even he didn't know, it began to make him emotional. 'What the Hell is wrong with me?'.

".. Todoroki? Are you still there?"

Shouto breathed in deeply, then exhaled quietly. "Yeah, I'm still here." He said quietly, his tone apologetic. "I'm sorry."

".. You were quiet for, like, five minutes. Literally. Are you okay?"

Five minutes?

"Shit, sorry- I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm okay." Shouto uncovered his eyes, rubbing them briefly. "I got distracted."

".. By?"

"My mind.. Emotions. Labels. Sexualities."

Katsuki sighed quietly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you talk about such a touchy topic."

"No, it's alright." Shouto assured. "I've just.. Never really said any of that out loud. I had a brief moment of panic."

"Ah.. If you need to talk about anything, I'm all ears."

That's probably a good idea..

".. We might be here all night."

"Your point?.. You need to get some stuff off of your chest, and I'm your friend- I'm gonna listen and support you, and shit."

That made Shouto let out the softest laugh, which unbeknownst to him made Katsuki smile.

"Okay, if you're sure.."

"I'm sure. Lay it on me, candy cane."

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