The new start

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Recap: RagLak got the help of Riya

Laksh woke up, his body was paining, he felt the each muscle of his body. Damn it, I never imagined the pain would be like this. It's unbearable. Laksh couldn't move properly, just an inch or lesser, he felt a soft hand on his cheek.

Laksh opens his eyes, which he had pressed closed, there she was sleeping like a child resting her hand on his cheek. Laksh smiles, he don't know how, but he stood up and went to the washroom. I have to be strong for her, but my body is burning. He looked into the cupboard, they were staying in the room of Riya aunts children, who are living abroad.

Laksh was looking at the outfits, but they were all not if his style, "Chi! So old school."

Ragini was smiling looking at him, she moves on the bed and he heard it, "Ragini?" He called her name and she put the duvet on her head, "I'm still sleeping." She said and Laksh laughs.

"Whatever, look Yaar I'll be looking like an old man and you will be an old woman. The old fashion way."

Ragini ignored him and kept pretending to sleep, Laksh took out a plain suit, he was looking on it and felt a cold shudder running down his back, but he had no other choice and wore it.

Ragini smirks, she turns and looked at him, "Haaw Laksh?!" She was laughing looking at him.

Laksh couldn't change the fact, but he was looking like a kid, "oh please just wait, my time will come to laugh over you

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Laksh couldn't change the fact, but he was looking like a kid, "oh please just wait, my time will come to laugh over you. Just check the cupboards and you will get to know why."

Ragini shook her head, "no Laksh. I don't want to wear this old stuff, you bought me new clothes I will wear them." She then stopped and looked at him, "I just got one pair of clothes, right?"

Laksh lowers his head, "yes, sorry." He felt bad, but Ragini didn't mind it. She went near him and hold his chin, "I'm okay." She kisses his cheek and made him smile.

Ragini was looking into the shelf's of the cupboard, "ya, these are really old ones," then her gaze fallen on something, "Haaw!!!" She widen her eyes and couldn't got over it.

"Laksh I will look so pretty in this, you wait here!" She was hiding the clothes from his gaze, she was walking backwards keeping the clothes behind her hands on her back.

Laksh was trying to see something, but she didn't let him, "just 5 maybe 10 minutes. I'll be back." She closed the door to the washroom and changed her clothes.

Laksh was sitting on the bed, his gaze was on the door, he was waiting for her. Damn I would love to see her in her clothes. She was so excited could it be something hot and naughty? He was smirking thinking of it, till the door opens and he was lost in her beauty.

Laksh stood up, Ragini made her way to him, "and? What you think?" She asked and turns around.

"It's not overdressed, right?"

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"It's not overdressed, right?"

Laksh was numb, he wasn't able to speak as he was just lost in her.

Ragini pouts, she took a deep breath and walks to him, "Mr. Ragini Kapoor are you listening to me?" She pushes him and he comes out of his trance, "OMG you are looking, outstanding mind blowing, gorgeous."

Ragini smiles, "yeah, I feel like that only." She hugs him and both went down to meet Riya Aunty.

Riya was sitting on her chair, she was talking on the phone with someone, "AP you don't worry they are here with me. I promise you I will look after them like if they are my own kids."

As soon as Laksh heard the name of his mother he rushed to Riya, "AP you wait a moment please."

Riya gave him the phone, "talk to her, but make it fast!" Laksh nods to her, "mom?"

AP was literally crying hearing his voice, "Laksh, where is Ragini?" Laksh looked at her, he winks at her to come closer, "she is here." He gave her the phone, "Maa?!" AP was relieved, "I'm so happy you both are together and safe. Please look after him, he is a bit lazy and childish, you know what I mean?"

Ragini smiles, "haan Maa, but you are mistaken, he isn't that childish anymore, he is very responsible and protective over me."

Ragini was looking at his clothes, "although he looks like a kid." She giggles, "cute Baacha!"

Laksh rolls his eyes, "oh please. I'm not the one, who twirls around as if there is no tomorrow." Laksh did the same like her and she was laughing at him.

AP was happy hearing their joyful laughs, "Ragini now you both have to start from new, there is a big responsibility on both of you, only together you can make it. Please forgive him his weird behaviour or improper jokes."

"Maa, what is this you don't know anything haan. I sent her to college and went to work on a construction site, ask her I also bought her new clothes and food."

Ragini took the phone back, "Maa you don't worry it's our new start and we will brighten it together with the help of Riya Aunty and your blessings. I don't know whatever my parents are thinking right now, but Laksh wasn't at fault, I won't accept this. I have seen him locking the file in the cupboard, I don't know how this snake got to our project, but I don't mind it anymore. We will prove to DP and my parents that we are capable to look for each other."

Laksh took her in a side hug, "Maa, you don't worry your daughter-in-law is in safe hands, mine." He smirks and Ragini hits him playfully, "it's not easy to ignore his stupid talks."

AP just nodded and Ragini could sense, "okay Bye Maa." Laksh too said bye to her and they ended the call.

Riya asked the servant to serve the food, "Ragini, Laksh your mom told me that you were working after college, the same will be here too. You will complete your studies and then after the lessons you will join me. Well Ragini will join me and you will look for a proper job. I know construction sites pay will, but only temporary as long as the site is there. But you know the faster they work the faster they end and so the money stops too. Please look for something long-term and safe one, if something happens to you then."

Ragini had the same fear, "haan Laksh I don't know what I will do then." She hold his hand and he felt her pain, "okay fine. We will go to college, but Aunty I can't go in these clothes. But my not overdressed wife can."

Riya and Ragini laughed at him, "I have something. It's a suit you can leave the coat here."

After awhile they left for college.

Ragini and Laksh were attending all classes, he had saved the money of the last day and bought lunch for them.

"Laksh we have to learn to value what we have!"

Laksh agreed to her, "yes, we are living there for free. I think we should also do some housework at least our room and our clothes?"

Ragini nodded, "yes, more responsibility divided between us."

Laksh smirks, "by the way, why don't we learn how to make baby."

"Ouch!!!" He felt the kick shinbone, "first stand on your feet than we will think of a family."

Laksh stood up, "madam I am on my feet!" He lifts his brows up and down with a damn smirk on his face.

"Laksh!" She moans and shook her head which was reddish...

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Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now