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"First of all, thank you for meeting me despite not formally filing an appointment

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"First of all, thank you for meeting me despite not formally filing an appointment. I won't delay any further and instead go to the main point. I- We need your help." The ten seats of Totsuki sat before me, all looking at me seriously. I took a glance at Kai-senpai who nodded at me for encouragement.

"I believe all of you have a faint idea as to what the problem is. Right now, my parents are talking to the headmaster about the same topic. We need to stop the Ishikawa from completely dominating both the school and the culinary scene."

"But that's where the problem lies, Little Mistress. What if we believe that the Ishikawa family will help the culinary world to grow?" One of them (I didn't bother knowing the name or the seat) suddenly interrupted.

"Then I will tell you how stupid you are. At first glance, their expansion might seem ideal and in fact, might be for the greater good. Weeding out the unworthy, teaching only the greatest chefs. But what comes after that? What about the long term effects? Japan's economy will sink rock bottom. Millions will lose their jobs and our population may potentially reduce into a such unimaginable numbers. Lots of resources will later go to waste. Sooner or later, quality will be overlooked for political power. The truth behind their campaign is nothing more than politics before the elections. It's nothing but lies that will be forgotten as soon as they are in position. I'm offering a plan to stop this. If you want change then do it yourself but their change will bring nothing but something similar to the Great Depression upon us. It's your call if you want to help but if all turns to shit then it's on your hands."

"I don't think there's any need for anymore words. Let's decide. Right now." The one at the head of the table who I would be assume to be the first seat spoke.

"We'll be voting on whether Totsuki will support or go against the Ishikawa family's campaign for culinary revolution. Say 'aye' for support and 'nay' for opposition."



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