Fighting the Darkness

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"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way." Dumbledore said.  "By which time I shall be gone, and you.....shall be dead." Voldemort said softly. 

In a quick move, Dumbledore pushed me and Harry aside and started dueling Voldemort. I quickly sat up and saw Bellatrix slide into a chimney and disappearing into the green flames. Voldemort's and Dumbledore's wands connected, a blue streak coming from Dumbledore and a red streak coming from Voldemort. Harry and I were pushed up against the wall, trying not to get hit by the lightning Voldemort send towards us. 

Voldemort broke the connection and he brought his hand to his mouth. Somehow, there appeared a flame out of his hand and it took the form of a snake. The snake lunged forward, trying to kill Dumbledore, but he reflected it with a wave of his wand. He send the flames back towards Voldemort, but he, too, deflected it. 

Dumbledore pointed his wand at the fountain that was behind Voldemort and a wave of water hit him. Dumbledore waved his wand for a second time and Voldemort was now trapped inside a ball of water. 

Harry stood up and walked over to Dumbledore, only to be thrown to the ground again. Thanks to his action, Voldemort had the chance to escape. Voldemort stood up and send a ray of black smoke towards Dumbledore, who conjured a shield. This made Voldemort outraged and send a shock wave that made all the glass from the offices in the Ministry shatter. A rain of glass shards came down on us and when everything was on the ground, it was all lifted off the ground again and it all flew towards us. 

Dumbledore quickly summoned a shield and the glass turned into sand. The three of us stood up and watched as Voldemort lowered his arms and his smile faded. The sand around him whipped up and he disappeared. The sand stopped twirling and fell down again. 

"He's gone." I though, but I was wrong. I felt a strange force pull me down and I fell onto the floor, Harry following. I could feel him, I wanted to resist, but he was to strong. "You've lost, old man." Both Harry and I hissed. This wasn't us speaking, but it was Voldemort.

My head snapped back and a terrible pain shot through my body. Visions of Sirius dying, me and dad fighting, Cedric being killed by Wormtail came into my head. He was using it as a weapon. He wanted to use my memories to make me weak. The Dementor attack last summer, Cedric dying, Sirius getting sucked into the archway. The pain and visions didn't stop, it was torture, but I kept fighting, just like Harry.

"Harry, (Y/N)." Dumbledore whispered. Another shot of pain. Mr. Weasley being attacked, Voldemort, me alone. "So weak. So vulnerable." Voldemort spoke. "Harry, (Y/N), it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not." Dumbledore whispered. 

I lay there next to Harry, weak, vulnerable, afraid. We watched as our friends entered the front hall of the Ministry. They looked shocked and worried. Then I understood what Dumbledore meant. We have something he doesn't have.


I thought back to my happiest moments, the happiest I've ever felt. Hermoine being un-petrified, Daniel and Samira coming to Hogwarts, falling in love with Draco Malfoy, my mother in the Mirror of Erised, Sirius.

I reached out and weakly grabbed Harry's hand. "You're the weak one and you'll never know love, or friendship. And we feel sorry for you." Harry and I whispered. All the dark memories Voldemort used on us returned to the darkest corner of our minds and with one last jolt, Voldemort left  our minds. 

A mist of blue sand hung around our body's and Voldemort came into our view. "You're fools, Harry Potter and (Y/N) Hydra. And you will lose everything." Voldemort hissed. The sound of fire entered my ears and I knew that the Aurors had come. Voldemort disappeared into a cloud of blue sand and Harry and I were freed from our trance. Harry had blacked out, but I stayed awake. I sat up and before anyone could ask anything, I stood up and left the hall.

I walked through the halls of this maze until I reached the room with the archway. I walked up to in and stood in front of it. This was the place, the place Sirius had taken his last breath. The vision of that terrible moment came into my head and I started to cry. I fell to my knees and let everything that had been locked up for the last year out. 

While I was crying I didn't notice that my tears were sucked into the archway. Suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and held me tight. "It's okay, I'm here now." A soothing voice whispered. I buried my head into the person's chest, until I realized from who the voice was. My head snapped up and in front of me sat Sirius. 

"This isn't real." I said to myself as I pressed my hands against my head. "Yes, it is." Sirius said. "No, it's not. You're dead, I saw you die!" I yelled. "Yes, but I'm back. You made me come back." He explained. "How did I make you come back?" I asked. "By crying." Sirius carefully touched my cheek and when he pulled back, my tear lay on his fingertip. "By crying?" I was so confused by what he meant. "(Y/N), your tears can 'heal' death." He explained. "So you mean, my tears can reawaken the dead?" I asked. "That's the long and short of it." He chuckled. "I need to get Harry." I exclaimed. 

Before Sirius could protest, I had jumped up and ran towards the main hall. I rushed in a pulled Harry with me without saying a word. "Where're we going?" He asked. "You'll see. You won't believe your eyes." I yelled. We entered the room with the archway and Sirius had come down and stood now in front of us. Harry's jaw dropped and rushed towards Sirius. "How?" He cried. "(Y/N)." Sirius replied. Harry let go of Sirius and turned to me. "My tears can reawaken the dead, apparently." I explained. 

Not to long after, our friends rushed in and were all shocked to see Sirius standing there. We explained what had happened and all of them were happy to have Sirius back. 


A few days had passed and the story of Voldemort had was everywhere. Umbridge was sacked and Fudge resigned. And Dumbledore had returned to Hogwarts. 

Harry and I were in Dumbledore's office. Me and Harry on one couch, Dumbledore on the opposite. "I know how you feel." Dumbledore began. "No, you don't." Harry replied. "It's our fault." I whispered. "No, the fault is mine." Dumbledore said. "I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you. I thought by distancing myself from you , as I have done all year, he'd be less tempted, and therefor you  might be more protected." He explained. 

"The prophesy said: "Neither can live while the other survives."  It means one of us is going to kill each other, in the end." I stated. "Yes." Dumbledore answered coldly. "Why didn't you tell us?" Harry asked. "For the same reason you tried to save Sirius, which in the end happened." Dumbledore glanced at me. "And the same reason your friends saved you. After all these years, after you've suffered, I didn't want to cause you any more pain. I cared too much about you two." Dumbledore explained. 


Harry and I had left Dumbledore's office and were wandering around the school. We eventually found Luna in one of the corridors hanging up posters. "How come you're not at the feast?" I asked. "I've lost all my possessions. Apparently, people have been hiding them." She said. "That's awful." I frowned. "Oh, it's all good fun. But as it is the last night, I really need them back." She explained. "Do you want any help finding them?" Harry asked. She shook her head and smiled. "I'm happy you two didn't lose your godfather." She smiled and we smiled back. "Are you sure you don't want any help looking?" Harry asked again. "That's alright. Anyway, my mum always said: The things that we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end." 

She looked up and smiled. I followed her line of sight and there was a pair of shoes hanging onto the sealing. "If not always in the way we expect." She finished. "I think I'll go have some pudding." She smiled and skipped off. "I love that girl." I mumbled. 


It was the next day, our day to leave. I walked with my group of friends towards the train. "I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me and (Y/N)." Harry spoke. "What's that?" Hermoine asked. "That even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we've got one thing that Voldemort hasn't." Harry said. "Yeah?" Daniel asked. "Something worth fighting for." Harry and I replied. 

Prepare yourself, Voldemort. The Chosen Ones are coming!

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