Another Chess Game

Start from the beginning


"So, chess? I recall you mentioning something about that," I chuckle, seeing him frown.

"I was hoping you didn't hear that," Whizzer replies. "Well, I did promise you, so let's do this. Let's play fairly, alright?" He reluctantly sets up the board and starts the game at my insistence. We play in silence, Whizzer refusing to reply to all of my attempts to start conversation. Initially I think it is due to concentration, but I soon realize that he is panicking. I say nothing at first, as I believe that he just doesn't want to lose, but quite the opposite happens.

I look up at him with a smile. "Seems like you won. Good game," I say happily, extending a hand to him in order to end it more civilly. To my shock, he begins to hyperventilate, flinching away from my hand. My eyes widen as he leans back.

"I'm sorry!" he cries, breathing heavily and gripping the arms of the chair tightly in order to steady himself. "Please don't kick me out! I didn't mean to win, I swear! I love you! Please don't make me leave!"

"So this is why you didn't want to play..." I mumble, standing up and moving over to his side of the table. "It's alright, Whiz. It was just a game. I love you so much, okay? Don't ever doubt that."

"Y-you're not leaving me again?" he says, terrified yet hopeful. I sigh and kneel next to him, placing a calming hand on his knee. I feel him shaking underneath me and my heart breaks as I think about how traumatic that event that must have been for him for him to act this way. I gently pull him off the chair once I notice how tense he is. Pulling him into a hug, I feel him take a shaky breath and collapse against my shoulder.

"I will never leave you, alright? I know I was an awful person to you before, but I love you and will never treat you like that again."

Whizzer's tense body relaxes against me, and I stroke his back as he gradually calms down, becoming exhausted from crying so much. I run a hand through his hair, and he tiredly rested his head in the crook of my neck. I kiss his forehead, causing him to smile shyly.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, still a bit worried about my lover. He blinks and lifts his head, rubbing a fist against his eyes, akin to a child. I pull his hand down and hold his hands, letting them fall to the ground. I patiently wait for him to meet my eyes, knowing that it wouldn't be good to push him in this case.

"Yeah. I... I'm sorry for acting so immature about it. I'm just afraid. Afraid that you'll realize that getting back into a relationship with me was just a mistake, and you would leave. Again. I figured that this time it would be better... since we're living with each other and we both only have one partner, but I was still so scared. I'm sorry for not believing that you had changed," Whizzer says quietly, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his forehead on mine, careful as to not hurt my head further.

"Well, I'm glad we're actually having this conversation. I feel like a major reason our relationship failed the first time was because of our lack of communication. We were both just so defensive. There was no way it would have worked."

Whizzer moves away and nods in understanding, smiling faintly.

"I'm actually glad we broke up back then," I continue calmly. Whizzer's eyes widen in shock. He frowns at me, worried.

"Wait, what? So being with me was a mistake?" Whizzer gets somewhat angry, stepping back and crossing his arms indignantly. He twists up his jaw in a sort of snarl, becoming more and more infuriated. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, turning around abruptly.

"Whizzer, stop!" I shout, unwilling to let this progress into a fight. We don't need that.

"What?" he snaps, pivoting to face me again.

"That's not what I meant," I reason, slowly pushing myself up to my feet.

"Then what did you mean, Marvin? Enlighten me."

"I just meant that without the breakup, neither of us would have grown as we had. We would both probably be in the same toxic relationship we were in before. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be with you, but I think we needed that break."

"...You're right. No matter how much I missed you that whole time, you're right that we needed it." He has calmed down completely, just a sad expression remaining.

I can really see the pure exhaustion in his features. He looks just about ready to pass out, with deep purple bags under his eyes. He yawns, struggling to keep his eyes open. He gazes at me apologetically and reaches for my hand. No matter how our past has affected us, we have grown immensely and will continue to do so, as long as we have each other.

"I love you, Whizzer."

"I love you, too."

A/N 2: So that wasn't the best but I liked writing it. Idk why I'm doing this instead of homework or studying but eh.

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