Family Bonding

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Trigger warning: mentions of children (extra mean ones); Jason; talk of clothing

In all seriousness, this is a sweet hurt/comfort type thing between Jason and the best dads (Whizzer and Marvin, though I love Mendel too). I wrote this in calculus today instead of actually being productive. Also this takes place after "The Baseball Game" and before everything goes wrong. Hope ya enjoy! Also, would you all be interested in reading an essay I wrote about Falsettos and its relation to the 1980s and the US Constitution (explores homosexuality, AIDS, psychiatry and gender roles)? Let me know if you want to read it, and I'll post it here! ~ Cassie

"Dad!" I hear a voice shout along with a door opening and slamming shut. Jason's home, clearly. I roll my eyes and nod to Marvin, who is sitting next to me on the couch with a book on his lap. Neither of us have work today, so we thought that it would be a good idea to relax together and hopefully improve our newly rekindled relationship. Marvin looks up but doesn't move, instead deciding to shout to let Jason know of his location. Sometimes I don't know why I thought it was a good idea for us to get back together. I mean, our lifestyles are almost completely opposite each other.

"What, you were too lazy to put on decent clothing this morning and now you're too lazy to even get up to greet your son?" I ask, smirking at my lover, who at least tries to sit up and look semi-decent. Like he could ever look good with the fashion choices he makes.

"Well I think you definitely overdressed for lounging around in the house all day," Marvin replies, motioning to me with an exaggerated gesture. I scoff, crossing my arms. I turn away and look over my shoulder at him; my actions are fairly childish, though I would never admit that out loud.

"You love it. And I take my style very seriously, unlike some people," I retort, though there is little bite to my words. He blushes a bit, and I halt my childish demeanor to turn to him and place a soft kiss on his cheek. I lean away with a mad grin. "And I love you too, for the record."

"Oh, hi Whizzer." I turn to the source of the voice and see Jason standing in the doorway and dropping his backpack on the floor. His eyes are wet with tears that he tries (and fails) to wipe away. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything."

"Whiz, could you go wait in another room? I have to talk to my son. Preferably alone," Marvin says, and I nod, knowing that it isn't my place to intrude in this conversation. I stand, prepared to leave, but I feel Jason tug on my sleeve slightly.

"Don't go. I want you to be here too," he whispers, and I sit back down rapidly.

"I, uh, okay, Jason. I'm here for you," I say, unsure of how to react. On one hand, I am thrilled that Jason trusts me enough to say whatever he needs to, yet I feel somewhat out of place. I had only recently decided to rejoin the family, but this time I'm here to stay. At least, I think I am. I'm completely happy with staying with Marvin permanently, or as long as he will have me.

"Thanks," Jason mutters, sitting down between Marvin and me, holding both of us tightly. He breathes deeply before completely breaking down and sobbing harshly. We both stay there until the kid calms down, being as supportive as possible. He moves away and rubs his eyes, allowing me to properly look at him. To my shock, he has a deep violet bruise forming across one of his eyes. Marvin seems to notice as promptly as I did, running a finger over it gently to test its severity. Jason winces and shrugs away at even the slightest touch, revealing how awful the situation was.

"Jason... what happened?" Marvin asks, concerned. While he is simply worried, I am pretty furious at whomever did this to him.

"Who did this to you?" I snap angrily. "I will fight them!"

"Whizzer, relax. It was probably another kid. No need to fight children," my lover replies with an exasperated sigh. I pull Jason close to me and whisper to him at a low enough volume that Marvin could not possibly hear us.

"Who cares if it's another kid? Give me the name, and I'll take them down." Jason laughs and pushes me away, shaking his head vigorously.

"I'm glad you care so much, but I have to agree with Dad here. I'm okay. It's just standard bullies. You know. Making fun of you, beating you and all that. Physically, I'm fine."

"Jason, that doesn't mean it's okay. What did they even say to you?" Marvin prompts, hoping to get a useful answer out of him.

"Nothing important."

"Hey, come on. There must have been something wrong for you to be so upset about it," I supply, resting a hand on his shoulder calmly. I gaze at him, concerned, but he seems determined to avoid my stare, closing his eyes and turning his head away.

"It's just- they insulted Dad, and I got angry, okay?!" Jason shouts, twisting his mouth in a frown. Marvin's eyes widen.

"Wait, did you provoke the fight?" Marvin questions, shocked. Jason nods reluctantly. He falls into Marvin's arms, and I watch from the side with a small smile. Jason glances up at me and reaches out a hand to me. Though he admittedly acts much more mature than everyone else, he seems much younger and more innocent. I grasp his hand with a smile; his relationship with his father is incredibly endearing. I never would have guessed that I would end up in this... domestic of a relationship, especially one with such a lovely family. Jason pulls me towards him with a surprising amount of strength, forcing me to join the group hug.

"I love you guys. I couldn't stand them insulting my family. There's nothing wrong with having three dads, and no one can tell me otherwise!" Jason says suddenly, with a wide, determined grin.

"Wait, three?" I ask, somewhat unwilling to get my hopes up, in case this was a slip of the tongue.

"Of course! The two of you and Mendel!"

"You are part of the family, Whizzer. And hopefully that will never change. We all love you. Well, maybe not Trina, but what can we do about that?" Marvin replies with a grin.

Though I've heard similar statements from Marvin, there has never been anything that has touched me this much. My eyes water a bit, as I return the smile. I don't try to hide it this time; I let the tears fall freely. Marvin's expression drops as he sees the tears, but I shake my head and laugh a little bit.

"I'm just so damn happy," I say, holding the two people that have captured my heart. Though I have no idea what will happen in the future, for now I know that I'm the happiest I have ever been.

March - Falsettos OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin