Chapter 8

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When I woke up the next morning, I immediately changed into more comfortable clothes. The good thing about not being home in England was that I didn't have to wear a dress. I slipped on a pair of leggings and a leather top, with black boots. It was all great for horseback riding. I emerged from my tent and see Peter and Oreius. Following both of their gazes, I see Ed. I sigh, a smile breaking out on my face. "Morning Oreius. Hello Peter." Peter looks at me and smiles. Lucy and Susan emerge from their tent and notice us. They also turn to see what we are looking at.

"Edmund!" Lucy yells. She tries to run towards him but Peter stops her. Edmund turns at the sound of her voice and then turns back to Aslan. Aslan finishes his conversation with Edmund and they both come down towards the others.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past." Aslan walks away.

"Morning Aslan." Aslan turns back to me and nods.

"To you too, Anastasia." I smile and turn back to Ed.

"Hello." Ed says quietly. Lucy hugs him and Susan does too. Edmund looks relieved.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm a little tired." Ed replies. I hug him. Ed is surprised but eventually hugs back.

"I'm glad you're back." I kiss his forehead and smile at him. He looks at Peter and then down at the ground.

"Get some sleep." Peter says. Ed walks away with a frown on his face. "And Edmund...try not to wander off." Ed smiles and goes into his tent.


We were sitting around a low table eating breakfast. No words were shared, just smiles and the occasional laugh. Ed had changed his clothes and was dressed in a tunic very similar to Peter's. He munches hungrily on toast with honey. I laugh.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed." Lucy says. Peter has been awfully quiet so it surprises me when he starts talking.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." I look at Peter, a confused expression written all over my face.

"We're going home?" Susan asks.

"You are. I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help." Peter says.

"I'm not leaving and you really can't make me." I tell him, making Peter sigh, shaking his head at me.

"But they need us. All five of us." Lucy agrees.

"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!" Peter yells.

"Which is why we have to stay." We all look at Ed. "I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." Lucy holds Ed's hand for comfort.

"Well, I suppose that's it then." Susan says standing and I smirk. She goes over to our weapons and grabs my dagger and her bow n arrows.

"Where are you going?" Peter asks us as Lucy and I stand up.

"To get in some practice." I say, smiling at the boys as Susan hands me my daggers.

Susan, Lucy, and I are practicing shooting at the target. Susan fires an arrow which hits just off center. "Darn so close." Susan says. I throw one of my daggers and it hits the center.

"Bullseye!" I yell.

"Lucky shot." Susan jokes, rolling her eyes at me. I smile at her, bumping her arm.

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