Chapter 3

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I raced down the hallways once more, ignoring the fact that Macready would probably scorn me later on. When I reached Digory's study, I burst through the door, seeing him in the same position as yesterday. "It's real." I announce as I sit down. "All these year I thought you were just telling me a story. But it's real isn't it?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles.

"You went to Narnia?" A smile breaks out on my face as I nod.

"Uncle Digory, it was so beautiful. I met a faun, Mr Tumnus, though I'm not sure if he's very trustworthy..." I went on and on, telling him about my short little adventure in Narnia. It didn't even come close to comparing to his, but he listened just as intently, wanting to hear every detail about Narnia.

"How does time work in Narnia?" I ask him as I bit into the apple he gave me. "I spent hours in Narnia and when I came back it had only been a mere couple of seconds here.

"I never quite figured it out. You could probably spend year in Narnia and come back, having it been only minutes. I smile.

"Do you ever think about staying there?" I ask him, looking up. He sighs, thinking it over.

"I've thought about it. But if I stayed there, I would've never met you and watched you grow up into the wonderful girl that you are." I smiled at him, sighing. I just couldn't stop thinking about Narnia and how much I wanted to go back.

After hours of talking to Digory about Narnia, I finally went to bed, wanting to fall asleep quickly so I could dream of Narnia. I thought my night would be peaceful until the door to my bedroom opened and a small child jumped on top of me. "Wake up Anastasia. I just came back." Lucy yeled bouncing up and down on my bed. I groaned throwing off the sheets, not sure what was happening, but letting Lucy drag me out of bed and out of the door to someone else's room. Lucy turns on the lights in this room and I sit down in a chair as she begins to jump onto someone else. "Peter, Peter, wake up! Peter, wake up! It's there! It's really there!" She yells, making Peter get up, sighing. Susan and Edmund both walk into the room and stare at Lucy, confused.

"Shh. Lucy, what are talking about?" He asks, getting used to his voice. I had to say, his morning voice was attractive. I sat up in the chair and looked over to Peter, who was still trying to figure out what she was going on about.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!" Without looking at her, I know Susan was rolling her eyes at the younger girl, irritated that this is why she was awake. "I saw Mr. Tumnus again! And this time Edmund went too." All of us looked over at Edmund, his mouth agape, not expecting Lucy ot have said that.

"Edmund, you saw Mr Tumnus?" I asked him but he only shakes his head.

"Well, he didn't actually go there with me. He... What were you doing, Edmund?" Lucy asks him, as she stops bouncing and sits next to me.

"I was just playing along. I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending." Edmund says smugly as he sits on his bed. Lucy looks at me and then back at Edmund, running out of the room crying. I sigh and get up, chasing after her. If she runs into Macready, she'll be in trouble for days. I watch as she runs down the hall and into my uncle. She looks up at him and despite not knowing him, she hugs him tightly.

"You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping' in the stable! Professor. I'm sorry. I told them you were not to be disturbed." Macready yells as she tightens her robs around her, staring at us and then Digory.

"It's alright, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But first of all, I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate." Uncle Digory says, leading Lucy towards me.

"It's quite alright Mrs Macready. I'll handle this, you get some sleep." She looks at me for a second, trying to decide what she'd rather be doing and then nods to me, letting me take care of Lucy. "Come on Lucy." I lead her down the hall and into the kitchen where I made a pot of hot chocolate. Lucy doesn't say a word, rather she continues to cry. When I gave her the hot chocolate, I led her back to her room, staying with her until she fell asleep. Then I kissed her forehead and tucked her into bed, walking back to the kitchen. I washed her cup and left it to dry, grabbing another cup for me. I sat in the kitchen for a moment, until I heard someone enter the room. I looked up seeing Peter. "Sorry, I was looking for Lucy." I hook my head.

"She fell asleep a little while ago." I yawn. Peter looks at me for a second before sitting down next to me in the kitchen. "Hot chocolate?" I offer, making his nod. I get up, grabbing him a mug and giving him the rest of the drink.

"You were with Lucy the first time. Does it really exist?" I sigh, looking at him.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I smiled at him, making him chuckle. I knew that no matter what I said, he wouldn't believe that there was a magical world in a wardrobe. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Have you always been alone here?" He asks me. I look at him and sigh.

"Yeah, I never had any siblings so I always just found something to do." I shrugged.

"What did you do for fun?" I smiled at him.

"Apple picking in the orchard, cricket, reading. Sometimes I help Macready out." He smiles at me.

"Do you want to play cricket with us tomorrow? Your uncle said we needed to act more like a family." I chuckled but nodded my head. We sat there for a few more minutes before both of us head to bed. I think I was really starting to like Peter Pevensie because that night I dreamt of him. 

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