The New World Order

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The sun shines bright on the newly rebuilt community called 'Haven' as a woman in her early 20s with a long ponytail, gets out of bed and grabs a crutch and hops to the closet. She then takes out a box and opens it up before taking out a prosectic leg and fastens it in place.

Just then, someone starts cooing behind her as she turned around and walked towards the sound. Clem places her hands on the cot and looks down at the small brown haired 3 year old.

"Arthur Lee L/N. What are you doing up?" She says playfully as little Arthur starts cooing again while reaching for her face. Clementine felt her heart melt as she picked him up and started playfully bouncing him about, making Arthur giggling with excitement. Clem giggles with him as she sets Arthur down on the table and grabs both his feet.

"Who's a good little boy? Who's the greatest, most precious boy in the whole world?" She tells him with tears form in her eyes while Arthur coos and giggles and places his hands on her face.

"Mama." He says sweetly as tears roll down Clem's face before wiping them away and places both hands on each sides of his face.

"Yes, you are. My little dork." She tells him while stroking both of Arthur's cheeks at the same time. Eventually, she let's go of him and walks over to the drawers, this however makes Arthur cry as he starts bawling his eyes out while trying to reach for Clem.

Clementine pulls out some nappies and quickly runs back to him, wiping away his tears and lifts his head up, making him look her in the eyes. "It's okay, Arthur. I won't leave you. I promise." She assures him and kisses his forehead and his nose. "I won't leave you." She repeats before picking Arthur up and places him on his back before he takes his little onesis off, the one that Louis found for him when he and Violet went scavenging.

She then places the onesis beside him as she slowly starts to take her nappy off. Once it was off, Clem immediately scrunched her nose as Arthur starts giggling and cooing while reaching for her as Clem playfully grabbed both his hands. "Ewwww, remind me not to let Louis feed you EVER. AGAIN." She says to herself while booping Arthur on the nose. Clem then removes the dirty nappy and close it up before chucking it in the bin behind her and takes out a clean one instead. Before that, she wipes Arthur's butt and chucks the wet wipe away before placing the clean nappy on Arthur. She then closes it up as Arthur starts squirming around, making Clem sigh.

"Arthur Lee L/N. If you don't stop squirming, I'll take away all your Disco Broccoli toys and give them to your Uncle Louis instead." Saying this immediately stopped Arthur from squirming as Clem sighed and smiled at him.

"Stubborn, just like his dad..." She says quietly before walking to the closet and puts some pants on over her long short, before walking back to Arthur and picks him up. "Ready to start the day, Dork?" She asks him as Arthur cooed back while booping her nose, just like she did to him. "I thought so. Let's go." She says and opens the door, heading towards the courtyard with Arthur in her arms.

Clem heads outside and immediately gets hugged from in front of her, she looks down and sees her 'other son' AJ, who was now 9 years old and whose afro had gotten bigger though he was trying to grow some dreadlocks just like Louis. He still wore the hat that once belonged to Y/N, it was old and filled with bullet holes but Louis said it adds character or some shit.

"Hey goofball." She tells him while shaking the hat on his head, AJ puts it back on properly and looks up at Clem.

"Clemmm. I told not to call me goofball anymore." AJ whines and crosses his arms, making Clem smile sweetly as she leans forward and pinchs his cheek.

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