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I listened to my Sargent as he informed a room full of blue on the day's events. I knew I was going to be riding with a new partner, since the first one just made Detective. I was happy for him, and a little jealous. Ever since I was nine or ten years old, I wanted to be a detective. Just like my old man.
"Yessir?" My attention was drawn back to roll call.
"You'll be riding with Officer Fitzgerald."
I nodded in agreement, remembering Fitz from the academy. Good guy, master with a gun. Made the girls swoon.
As Sargent Weaver dismissed us, I looked for Fitz. He came up to me while we filed out of the room.
"Hey, Reagan. Haven't seen you for a while."
"Yeah, six months. You still going by Fitz?"
"Oh, yeah. Fitzgerald is too many syllables."
"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes, somewhat hating the fact my middle name was Fitzgerald: Daniel Fitzgerald Reagan.
"I hear your little brother is doing a good job."
"Joe?" Joseph Connor Reagan, two years younger than me, already passed rookie-stage. He went into the academy the same time he went into college. His professors were nice enough- maybe a little too nice- to help him switch around classes and stuff.
"No, Jamie. Of course Joe!"
I smirked, "stupid question." Jamie William was thirteen years old and the only Reagan kid left at home. His real name is Jamison, which is an uncommon name. Until the tv series Simon & Simon debuted, I had never even heard of anybody else named Jameson.
"Speaking of which, how is the clan?"
"Good, can I drive?" Since neither one of us was technically the superior officer, I jumped at the chance. I hated being in the passenger seat.
"Sure. How's that pretty little sister of yours?"
"Erin? Oh, she's kicking butt in law school." Erin Bridget was a year younger than me, her lawyer instinct always getting her brothers (namely me) in trouble. Nobody wanted to cross her- she could make you sorry for chewing your meat too loudly.
"Good for her."
Up until about one o'clock, the day was pretty slow. We were about to get a serious load of crap.

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