Chapter 23 - Guild Promotion

Start from the beginning

"If that is the case, then can you give some of the materials to those adventurer's? As an apology for having to call them back so soon after they had left." I asked the wise old man.

His face broke into a smile. He was probably hoping that I might offer up something as an apology for the other adventurer's who had wasted their time and money preparing for the trip, and the battle.

"However, I would also like some of the meat, bone, blood, and scales to go towards fashioning new gear for myself...Along with a bonus towards the reward money for completing the subjugation with just the two of us, as well as saving the life of a girl that was about to be eaten alive by it. Anything that is left over, after paying remunerations to the other adventurer's, you may keep for the guild to use however it wants. Do we have a deal?" I bargained with the old man.

However, I didn't even have to do any other form of haggling. He happily accepted my terms, which made it easier for me as I didn't want to really hang out here much longer than needed. Especially with Sana being hungry like she is.

So after reading over, and signing a contract with the guild that had stated that everything in the deal I struck with the old man, would be honored upon completion of the dismantling of the monster corpse.

Then, after signing the contract, and keeping a copy for myself, I was led to a receptionist desk where Sana and I were given a large payment each, for completing the Dragon subjugation on our own. We were then asked to hand over our ID cards so that we can receive a higher rank. I was explained that usually to advance past A-Rank, they give a test to the person applying, but with Sana and I subjugating the dragon they felt that it was enough to be considered our test.

So in the end, we were each given a new card made from Orichalcum with a golden outline around it. This card represented an S-Rank adventurer, which meant we were essentially equivalent with a someone that held a noble title.

Being equivalent to a noble title...does that mean if we reach SSS-Rank, then does that mean we are equivalent to Royalty? I didn't ask this, I just figured I would let this topic rest until the day came that we would reach SSS-Rank.

Anyway, now that we have taken care of handing over the materials to the Guild, we decide to go to the inn as the sun was already close to setting. How long were we even in that warehouse for? Besides, we had to find a place to hide anyway since Sana was getting hungry.

With our destination set, we headed back to our inn 'The Feathered Harpy' so that we can both have some dinner. However, my dinner would have to be eaten after I fed Sana.


The next day, Sana and I woke up together. We were still sharing a bed, and at this point it has been happening so much that I really don't care about it anymore. After doing our morning stretches, and changing our clothes, mine still having the hole in the back, we left the inn, skipping breakfast as we had many errands to take care of before meeting with the Fox King later this afternoon.

Now, I could have just used the gate spell in our room, except that might create a problem if someone came and tried to check on us and see that we had already disappeared. So instead we decided to find a deserted alley and, after making sure no one was around to see us, I opened a gate directly into Amdagaer's blacksmith shop.

It was safe to say that we had scared him when we suddenly appeared from nowhere. However, like a professional he regained his cool and asked us what we were looking for this time. I showed him the hole in the back of my clothing, and explained to him the reason it was there. He was surprised to hear that I had already faced a dragon so shortly after I left Arendall.

I then handed over a lot of the scales that I had picked up around where we killed the dragon, and asked if he could make us stronger gear with the scales. I even told him that I still have plenty of scales left, and that he can have the rest if he can get some extremely high-quality gear made for us. I also made sure to let him know that I was also about to come into some dragon bones, and that I would like for him to craft a second sword for me.

I felt Noroi getting upset in my mind asking if she was being replaced. Instead of responding to her, I explained to Amdagaer that the blade should be a little over half the length of my current sword, and also to have it be a single-edged sword. Then after explaining to Amdagaer the specifications on my sword, I telepathed with Noroi and told her that I wanted to practice dual wielding.

I think she was still upset that I was going to be wielding a second sword, but she also didn't complain any further about the matter. I then asked Amdagaer what the best material would be, from a dragon, for a magic staff and dagger for Sana.

"Well if it's from a dragon, then it would be the bone, wrapped in the scales, then coated in the blood of the dragon. I can do the dagger, however, if you want the staff made then you'll have to go see a magic artifice craftsmen." Explained Amdagaer as he was organizing materials for our orders. The process seemed pretty gross at the end, but if it was what he recommended, we'll go with it. After which, he gave us a recommendation on who to visit about crafting the magic staff.

I was hoping to get some lunch before visiting the king, so I suppose we will have to put off visiting the artifice for after our audience with him.

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