Chapter Forty- One: Dinner Date

Start from the beginning

"Is that where we're going?" Harry asks, nodding at the small Italian restaurant across the road. I nod in response and we head over. 

The waitress gives us a seat outside and Harry ties up the duck as I put the brakes on the pram. We take our seats opposite each other and order our drinks. We chat about the bands and contracts until the waitress comes to take our orders. 

Harry tells me to go first so I order the seafood pasta. Harry orders the pork pasta and we both look at Ellie who is holding a menu but obviously not reading it. I laugh and quickly take a photo of her. 

"What would you like Emenem?" Harry asks Ellie. That's such a cute nickname! 

She gurgles something and we both laugh, so does the waitress. "Can she have just normal pasta?" Harry asks. "With the red sauce." He adds.

"Marinara pasta?" The waitress asks, using the proper name. Harry nods and the waitress writes it down. "Be back soon guys!" She smiles happily and walks off. She is a nice waitress, not a snobby b**chy one who continuously hits on Harry.

I watch Ellie sitting in the pram, just sipping away at her water bottle that Harry put apple juice in. 

"She's very beautiful," we hear from our right and both Harry and I look at an old couple sitting there. "What's her name?" The lady asks.

"Ellie Alia," I reply and Ellie giggles at the sound of her own name. 

"Alia means heavenly in Arabic right?" The male asks. We nod and he smiles.

"She's definately a gift from God," Harry tickles the small baby and she squeals in fits of laughter. Ellie definately is a gift. I think Zayn and Perrie call her their Little Miracle considering she was for starters a surprise, then after Perrie's fall down the stairs and the bleeding, she definately was the best surprise they and rest of us have ever had.

"How old is she dear?" The lady asks. 

"Thirteen months." I reply. "Would you like to join us?" I offer. The old couple, whose names are Mary and Patrick join their table to ours, with our help. 

I grab Ellie out of the pram and Mary holds her carefully in her arms. "She reminds me of when our grandchidren were young." Mary bounces Ellie in her lap as Ellie giggles.

"We have five grandchildren between our two kids. They aged thirteen to seven though." Patrick explains. "They live in Manchester and Newcastle though, but that's okay." Patrick smiles. "We see them quite often. The bonuses of retirement." He chuckles. 

We all share a laugh and I watch Ellie looking into Mary's eyes. "She has very beautiful big eyes, how'd she get these lovely blue things?" Mary asks us. 

"Her Mum." Harry replies. Patrick and Mary look at me confused. I laugh and realise Mary and Patrick probably think she's our baby.

"Sorry! Ellie is our best friend's baby girl," I inform them. Mary and Patrick both laugh. I would love to have a baby like Ellie, but that's a little way off still for me. 

"Ahh! I was thinking, she could have either of your hair and your skin sweetie," Mary looks at me. "But I was so confused at how her eyes were so blue." Mary says. We laugh and Mary shakes her head, laughing.

"Yeah. Her Mum has amazing blue eyes, wavy blonde hair and fair skin. But then her Dad has dark brown, almost black hair and darker skin. Ellie looks like a spitting image of her Dad just with her Mum's eyes." Harry explains. 

"Ahh! So you're just looking after her or did something happen to her parents?" Patrick asks. We shake our heads. God! If anything happened to Zayn and Perrie. I wonder who would get Ellie? Probably Leigh and Louis, but then they're not a couple so.... 

"No. It was my night with Ellie so we brought her with us." Harry explains. We talk about our band mates but as friends and they ask how we have so many close friends. "Have you heard of One Direction and Little Mix?" Harry asks.

"Yes. Our grandaughters are obsessed." Mary replies. Harry and I both laugh. "Oh my goodness! You're the curly haired one and you're from Little Mix!" Mary exclaims. We both nod and Mary and Patrick laugh.  We sign things for them to give to their granddaughters and then eat our food whilst chatting about all sorts of things. 

As we're eating dessert the duck starts quacking under the table, frightening the wits out of us all. "Lou! Shhh!" Harry instructs to the duck and it shuts up at his command. I'm not sure if that's a duck to be honest.

"You have a pet duck? I thought dogs were the common pet." Patrick laughs. We explain about Lou Duck and soon it's time to leave.

My phone starts ringing and I answer without checking the caller ID.

"WHERE'S MY BABY?" Perrie's voice yells into the phone. "Harry isn't picking up and he's not replying and there's no pick up on the home phone. Please tell me she's okay, where's my baby Jade?" Perrie starts panicking.

"Perrie!" I exclaim, shutting her up. Harry gasps and covers his mouth. "It's okay, we're bringing her home now. We went out for dinner." I tell Perrie. She sighs and then tells me she loves me before hanging up.

"It was lovely to meet you Jade, Harry, Ellie and Lou," Mary hugs Harry and I, rubs Ellie's cheek and pats Lou Duck. "Hope to see you again soon." She waves and heads off.

"You two will make great parents one day." Patrick smiles at us.

"That's the plan." Harry replies and Patrick winks, walking off. Harry wants kids, I know that- but does he want them with me? "Yes Jade?" He chuckles and I realise I'm staring at him.

"Oh! Um, do you reckon we would make great parents?" I ask Harry. He nods in response. "Together?" I ask in a barely audiable tone. 

"Yeah, together Jade." Harry takes my hand and we get back to the car. "We work as a team and what you said at MSG, I love you too Jade." Harry smiles, stopping me.

"I love you too Hazz, but if we're going to be Us again, we need to take it slow," I tell Harry. He nods and cups my face in his hands. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply before his soft lips touch mine, creating an undescribable feeling within me. A feeling that I love.

"We accept the love we think we deserve" - Stephen Chbosky 

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