What The Fuck?

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The van rumbled past the dense jungle, treading over leaves and roots and pouring black smoke from its roaring rear.

At the helm of the reckless vehicle was Yang Xiao Long, eyes aflame with excitement, foot never leaving the accelerator, and smiling psychotically.

"Um...Yang?" Pyrrha anxiously grasping on the back of the blonde's seat. "Do you think you're a bit...too excited?"

"Excited?!" Yang whooped, watching the speedometer clock over and rattle tipsily "This is you're boyfriend's gonads we're talking about!"

Pyrrha rolled her eyes "He lied to me. It needs an Arc to break the curse. He lied."

Her words trailed off, and her gaze fell.

But it did not falter the exuberant behaviour of the driver.

"It doesn't matter. In the end, you'll still love him!" Yang smirked. Approaching the truck Jaune was held captive in, she egged the machine on to go even faster. "Just like my mum." She muttered.

It was a quiet mutter, one that was not meant to be heard, but was. Pyrrha appalled face matched the other's too.


Internally, a sigh bounced around her insides. Yang had explained it before painfully, and it looks like she would have to again.

"My mum. She always went on wild adventures, and never came back from one of em. I always look for clues of where she went. Like the thrill."

It was a simple explanation, but it reflected her thoughts well, if not censoring her deep fear and sadness.

Through her pursuit of answers, she had encountered innumerable hazards, but it was to be expected, and plus, Yang didn't mind in the slightest. Her hand tightened on the rubber ring lining the steering wheel. If it meant finally meeting her long lost mother, she wouldn't care.

The van clawed across rough rocks and stones, steadily gaining on the truck ahead.

What she would do to meet her mother...how she missed her...she would dream about her sometimes...


Yang was promptly shoved back into reality as the nose of their van crumpled into the back of the truck. The car jolted and Yang was propelled straight into the lorry's cargo area, slamming into the cold, unwelcoming steel flooring. A soft growl addressed her.

"Ms. Xiao Long..." Cinder snarled irritatedly.

Yang picked herself up, clutching the painful throb in her side.

"Hey...I don't remember your name..."

White hot flames ignited in the palm of Cinder's hand, caressing her fingers and overlapping each other.

"Woah, hey, don't have to get so mad!" Yang yelled hotly, but a jet of pure fire hit her torso, and she went flying out past the jeep and onto the road.

"YANG!" Ruby wailed, watching her sister get swallowed by the rushing scenery.

Pyrrha hopped into the driver's seat. She had a harrowing decision. Yang or Jaune? They only could afford the get one. If they stopped and drove back to get Yang, they would lose the truck to the wild undergrowth of the rainforest. But if they continued to chase Jaune, there was no guarantee that they would be able to find her again.

"Pyrrha!" Blake shouted hurriedly, "We need to get Yang!"

But the warrior shook her head sternly. Thinking back on what Yang had told her, she replied "In the end, I still love him. I still love Jaune!" Hoping that the blonde won't snap her neck later, she put the van in high gear and hear in the engine bellow.

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