Water Combat

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(WARNING:I've been told that this chapter is kind of a serious one.)

The 3rd night into the voyage was an important one.

In the cramped cabin about Blake's ship, snoring echoed and bounced about the corners and stained walls above the calming rumble of the sea.

It seemed that everyone was is deep, peaceful sleep.

It only seemed that way.

But, everyone aboard was wide awake, yet each was unaware of the other's state of awareness, and each was in intense thought.

Each was so caught up in their individual problems, that they failed to notice their surroundings.

Yang had gone down to the hull to check what Blake had been guarding.

Jaune had been tumbling around in his bed for hours, debating in his head whether or not to reveal to Pyrrha, the love of his life, the secret he had long kept to himself.

But at long last, with a great sigh, he looked at her, and decided to not tell her. It would remain a secret until the end.

It was painful, but necessary.

Running his eyes over her figure one last time, he turned away and prepared to sleep.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend was wide awake.

Pyrrha lay there, breathing slowly and steadily, trying to keep it together.

She tried to forget it, but it kept resurfacing every few seconds like an annoying animal, rebounding everywhere inside of her head.

As a role model for the standard teenage girl, Pyrrha felt extremely guilty for what she was doing.

For once in her life, she was putting life personal life before anything else.

At first, it felt exhilarating, but now...she was beginning to worry. After all this, what was her parents going to say?

And Beacon? Her leaving will undoubtedly leave a big stinking blot on her record, not to mention her grades.

And her parents? Will they ever take her back in the family after they find out what this quest was about? What kind of parent would support their daughter to bang some guy?

And her - wait. She was worrying too much.

She rolled over as quiet as she could, and observed her boyfriend's sleeping body.

It brought a smile to her face, erasing wrinkles of worry. It felt good. Promising herself to bring this up to Jaune in the morning, she prepared to sleep.

Next to her, Blake lay, belly up, legs straight, arms by her side.

Lying on this boat was an insult to her.

This boat was a gateway to her old life. Her life with the White Fang. A life she wanted gone.

It was a life of crime, and of murder. At the time, she saw it as justice, an act of bravery.

But now, her life was different. For the first time in a long time, she had friends, she had a school, she had a normal life.

Plus, she was really hitting it off with Sun.

But when she borrowed it from the White Fang, she told herself that she would not be tempted back into that kind of life.

Despite that, this boat was like a haunting reminder of her past existence. It insulted her.

Sitting up ever so slightly, she surveyed her friends.

She could not afford to lose them. Blake Belladonna was turning over a new leaf, and never going back.

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