Construction Workin' Michael

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It was a beautiful day in California where the butterflies were flying about, littering the sky with color. The wind blew elegantly through the town of Santa Barbara. You and Michael had been working all day on separate projects, you working on tasks for your creative studio and Michael working on lyrics. You sigh, wanting to be totally finished with everything. Could 3pm come any faster? Today was the day for you to help your father on site with brick and block. Your father had his own brick mason company and would occasionally ask for your help.

After looking at contracts and replying to emails all day, you couldn't wait to get outside. You worked for an hour more and finally, you began putting on your overalls and your work boots. Working with daddy over the years was always fun.

Pulling the straps up on your overalls, you hear the footsteps of your lover. You smirk, feeling his touch as he wraps his huge hands around your waist.

"Hey, baby. Where you going?"

"Hi baby. I'm going to work with daddy today. He wants me to help him chip some block. They have mortar on them and he needs help chipping the mortar off."

"Awhhhh, look at my girl, doing manual labor. My princess is strong." with a sexy smirk, he lovingly pecks your lips and places his massive hands on your hips.

Smiling, you stare into his big brown eyes for a few seconds. You then break the stare. His look is so mesmerizing.

"Thank you, baby. I have to meet Daddy up there in 20 minutes. I'm going to be late."

"Okay, I'm finished writing this song. Is it okay if I come with you and help? I would love to see what your Dad does on the construction site. I used to help my Uncles when we were younger. Come on, lemme go babe."

With a smile, you agree. Moments later, you laugh see him run around the house looking for his socks. 5 minutes later, a rigid looking Michael appears from the room with a white t-shirt, some fitting black khakis, and some work boots.

"I didn't know you had work boots babe, but come on!"

~2 Hours Later~

As you scrapped and hit mortar on block, you took the time to stare over at MJ. His curls fell around his shoulders as he hit the block with force. He had taken his shirt off so his muscles were bare and protruding. You put down your tools and walked a few steps to grab your water bottle. You stood under a big tree and quenched your thirst, gulping from your bottle. For some reason, your eyes couldn't stay off of Michael. He was so incredibly sexy. How on earth did you end up with such perfection?

Finishing your water, you then begin walking back over to the mortar free block. Being there for only 2 hours and you both had managed to chip 35 block. That's pretty impressive because it's not easy.

"You okay, baby? How you doin?'" He asks.

You bite your lip and stare.

"I'm doing just fine." With a sexy wink, you lean over, grabbing his face, planting a wet kiss to his soft lips.

"You just get back to work." You exclaim as a huge smile spreads across his face.

Never thought you would be looking at Michael Jackson, the Construction Worker.


Don't be mad at me! I owe you all so many imagines, but they are coming! Slowly but surely. Leave a comment to let me know you're still one of my faithful readers! ❤️


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