The Painful Toothache

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Lately, you had been feeling amazing. Everything had been going great with your health. You felt you needed to lose a couple pounds but other than that, you felt great.

As you laid in bed, you closed your tired eyes and began sleeping soundly next to Michael who cuddled you comfortablely.

-Later into the Morning-

A pain shot through your cheek as you woke up irritated. Staring into the darkness, you feel the urge to moan out. Your wisdom tooth pains you greatly.

A few months ago, you had chipped your wisdom tooth. How? Being a greedy butt, somehow you chipped your tooth on a jolly rancher without even knowing it. Laughable in a way, but it was a true story.

You go to the bathroom and grab your toothbrush, wetting it, and gently brushing the area that is giving you pain.

With a couple strokes of the brush, everything becomes better and the pain goes away.

Maybe it was a food particle?

- Next Morning -

With a roll around of your tired body, you feel the urge to throw something.

Pain had stayed in your cheek all night. It did not go away once. It got to the point where you would have to tell Michael.

As you walked to the bathroom, you began scrambling for some pain pills. Michael sees you and begins inquiring.

"Baby, you okay?"

With a sign of discomfort, you look up at him and began crying. You walk into his shoulders and cry softly as he caresses your waist.

"Shhhh Baby, what's going on? I'm right here."

Holding your waist, he gives a short peck on the lips as you wipe your tears away.

"My tooth is killing me, baby. I couldn't sleep because of the pain," You groan.

"I'll set you up a doctor's appointment, baby. Don't worry. We'll have it fixed soon. I'll go to the store and get something to soothe the pain."

With these words, you just know that you're going to be in great hands. You'll beat this toothache - one way or another. ❤️

This was inspired by true events. Pray that my tooth gets better! I hope you enjoy butterflies. ❤️

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