• Tonight You're Gonna Dance For Him Part 1 •

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~ Beyonce Inspired Again ;)~

As you awake to the bright sunshine, you smile. The first thought on your mind is that your man was coming home early rehearsal!

You knew that he would be tired, hungry and a bit cranky so tonight, you were gonna make your man feel good.

You had your day all planned out with going lingerie shops and pampering yourself for the special evening you had planned for Michael.

You laugh to yourself as you sit up an begin to get ready for the day.

Once you're decent, you go to your car and begin your journey to a sexy transformation.

When you arrive to Priscilla's, you go inside, feeling a bit nervous. You always get butterflies when you go into a grown up store. You still had a playful and shy side to you.

While you look at the different 2 pieces and beautiful materials, you stumble upon a black laced two piece with thigh high stockings that looked to be almost made for your body.

Sexy. Sexy. Sexy.

Without even thinking about it, you go straight to the register and buy this bad boy.

Michael has always admired your curves and gives you compliments about your body daily. This will be perfect for his eyes.

Once you retrieve the sexy item from the clerk, you go off to other stores to receive pampering such as hair and nails.

Looking at the time after everything is done, you discover that Michael will be home in an hour.

Just enough time for you to clean the house and prep for the night.

When you arrive to your sanctuary, you rush in and prepare the house with minutes to spare for your quick dance routine.

You go over your steps and sing softly.
"Tonight I'm gonna dance for youuu."

When you go over your dance routine, you twirl you hips and touch your body as you let your curls flow down your back.

You practice the steps several times and feel accomplished when you remember each and every snap, every turn and every twist.

Once the house is ready along with yourself, you walk sexily to the door when you hear the doorbell.

Your man has arrived.

~ 20 minutes later ~

You roll your lips as you flick your hair stare in his eyes.

"Promise not to tell nobody causee.... it's bout to go downnnnn."

You mouth the words as you dance and give the performance of the decade for your man.

Once finished, he applauds you as he stands.

"That was wonderful baby."

You giggle. You were expecting a much broader and thicker response.

Michael soft voice makes you giggle more.

"May I escort you to the bedroom?" You seductively whisper.


Sexy Scene Next. This imagine would have been too long so I decided to split it in parts for the special effect ;)


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