• Brotherly Competition •

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As you stand in the adorable family argument between Michael and his siblings, laughter fills you. Michael and his brothers always clown around and try making a fool of each other.

You go to fill your cup with a refreshment as you feel hands around your waist. You turn to not see Michael, but Marlon.

"Hey beautiful. How are you?" He says lowly, trying to impress you with his incredibly handsome voice similar to Michael's.

Before you have time to engage in conversation with Michael's older brother, your man boldly speaks for you.

"She's doing just fine Marlon. How are you and your girlfriend?"

You giggle to yourself.

Ever since Michael's brothers met you, you get a sense of Michael being protective. Too protective at times.

He once told you that you were his trophy girl and that he had to protect something so precious and rare.

You took this as a loving compliment, but you could always tell that there was something else there.

Marlon got the hint and began to walk away slowly.

Michael shakes his head and kisses your lips. "You okay baby? Was he bothering you?"

"No Michael. We were just saying hello."

He nods and hugs you as Michael's sisters call you over to chat.

Michael watches you walk over to his sisters as you feel his eyes staring at your backside. He's such a pervert. ;)

~ Michael's POV ~

As me and my baby brother Randy talk lowly to each other, my other brothers stand beside us talking about something obnoxious.

I then hear comments about my fiancé.

"Yo, you see Y/N over there? She's eye candy, swear." My eldest brother Jackie says.

"Yeah man, if Michael wasn't gonna marry her, I'd do it in a split second. She's fine as hellll." My brother Jermaine says.

"I'd tap all day." My brother Tito comments and I almost lose it.

I don't want them thinking they can just say anything around me, so yes, my brothers need to be checked. (<--- Wouldn't it be cute to hear Michael get sassy? Lol)

"Really guys? I know y'all are just joking around and playing but she's special to me. Please don't talk about her around me as though she's a piece of meat. She's a lady, not property. Instead of focusing on my fiancé, y'all need to be worried about your girlfriends and wives. Now excuse me busters."

Irritation fills me as I walk past my annoying brothers.

"Yo Mike! We sorry!" I hear one say. Trying to find my girl, I ignore them and continue walking.

I love them, don't get me wrong, but talking about my girl in a manner in which I don't like is unacceptable. I don't care if they were only joking. I don't like it.

Wow. I can't believe I love her that much to be getting all sensitive about someone mentioning how good she looks.

Once I find Y/N, I tell her I'm ready and she hugs and kisses my sisters as we head to my truck. She somehow senses my annoyance and irritation as we began driving to our home. My baby knows me well.

I grip the steering wheel tighter as I drive.

~ Your POV ~

"Baby what's wrong with you? Why are you driving so fast?" You ask as he speeds down the road.

"Sorry Y/N."

A short response and a cutting of the eyes lead you to know that Michael is mad for some reason.

Minutes later when you arrive to your destination, your home, Michael and you are sitting in the car, staring at your front door.

"Baby will you please tell me what's wrong?"

He looks over at you and sighs.

"My brothers were just ranting about how fine you were and I got slightly mad."

You smile, blushing. He's so cute when he's mad.

"Babe c'mon. You know that I'm yours and you know that I will never be with any of your brothers so why get mad? I'm your fiancé. Yours baby. No one else's." With this statement you make, you unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over in his lap.

He stares into your eyes and nods but then looks away, letting you know that there's something else there.

"Baby what's the real problem?" You ask.

He sighs before clearing his throat and then talking.

"Well when I got with you, I used to rant to my brothers about how beautiful you were and my feelings about you. They met you and began their own rants and comment making sessions whenever I would bring you up. I worry sometimes that you will leave me for one of them."

You hold his face in your hands and kiss his lips.

"Michael Joseph Jackson, why would you ever think that? I am in a relationship with you and I am about to be your wife. Not your girlfriend or your baby mama. I love you unconditionally and you know that I will never hurt you in that manner. Your brothers are sweet but none of them are my type. I only have one type and that type is you."

He smiles and kisses you passionately which insures you that you've made him feel better.

I hope to write imagines with sexy scenes in them soon! I didn't want this imagine book to be all about sex but it's time now! Thank you for reading and I enjoy every one of your comments.

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