Chapter 4

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Tori's POV.

Okay, so let's go over this situation again. I'm sat in my room, alone with Jade. My sister is with Beck downstairs, and, oh, we're all supposed to be practicing stage kissing. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if joining Hollywood Arts was a good idea.

"Jeez, Vega! Are you just going to sit there gawping all night or are we going to get some work done!"

Jade's voice made me snapped me back to reality, that, or the fact she kicked the edge of my bed, very near to where I was sat. The dark haired girl sat in my desk chair, an eyebrow raised in question as she glared intently at me.

"Er, right."

Jade groaned and slammed her head against my desk in annoyance, making me jump. She was visibly just as annoyed with the arrangement as I was; it was just like the stage fighting all over again, only worse. I couldn't help but watch Jade as she picked her head back up off my desk, the way she swept her long hair impatiently out of her eyes, still scowling, but it maybe more from the blow to the forehead she had just given herself.

"Vega! For chiz sake!"

I'd been staring again. What was wrong with me! Maybe it was just the nerves or something. I don't know. All I knew for sure was that the pen Jade threw at me to get my attention had really hurt when it struck me in the eye.

"OW!" I yelled, covering my streaming eye with my hand while glaring at the pale girl with my good eye.

"Should've been paying attention" Jade shrugged, reaching over to pick up the offending pen and twirl it around in her fingers.

"All right, you now have my undivided attention, you highness." I mocked. That really hurt and right now I was in no mood to put up with Jade and her random attacks on me. "Have you thought of anything?"

"As a matter of fact, I have." The goth girl grinned, thrusting a notepad into my lap, tapping at the page with my pen as she pointed out her ideas. "You see, I thought we could do something high school related. You be the nerdy girl and I'll be the popular one-"

"Why do I have to be the nerd!"

"Just shh, Vega." Jade glared. She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes for a second before continuing. "Look. You be the nerd, I'll be the popular girl, right? And the story is that they've been best friends since they were little kids, but when they got into high school, they started to drift apart a bit. The popular girl went off and made a bunch of new friends, getting into all of the chiz that little teeny bopper girls like, while the nerdy girl went off and did whatever nerdy kids do, like, I dunno, read books or play with puppets or something."

I rolled my eyes at the blatant dig at Robbie, almost opening my mouth to say something, but Jade quickly spoke over the top.

"Yeah, yeah, defend your little boyfriend later."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I said quickly, in a little more disgust than I was meant to, which seemed to amuse Jade greatly.

"Whatever. Can I continue?" I nod. "Good. So, they've been friends for years, drifted apart, blah, blah, blah. But, they'd been meeting up every so often, in secret because the popular girl doesn't want all the other popular morons to know that she's friends with a dork. Basically, our play starts when the nerdy girl comes up to confront the popular one about this, saying she's sick of being this girls dirty little secret and says that if she really wants to be friends, then she has to prove it."

Right now I was stunned by how much work Jade had already put into this assignment, even in the few short hours we'd had to work on it. I just nodded in the right places, allowing the girl to tell me all of her ideas.

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