"I would never!" He denied half heartedly, feeling her rise slightly onto her tiptoes to match his height.
They couldn't see as well in the darkness, but he knew her face wasn't far from his, the glow from the candles framing the movement of her hand while she reached up and lightly traced the contours of his cheek bones, making him smile at the feather light touch.

"You know I love you," she murmured, feeling him nodding a little in agreement. "More than anything, really."

"It makes me a very lucky man," James smiled.

"I'm the lucky one," she scoffed slightly with a small smile that was hidden as she looked away as the lightening flashed.

There was a strange waver in her voice he wasn't sure he liked, and he moved one of his hands up to cup her cheek, frowning in the darkness when he felt a tear drop against his thumb. "Nat?"

"I really thought this was it," she admitted, no longer hiding the silent stream of tears. "My head was all over the place believing we were over and-"

She jumped as the thunder interrupted her, and he took the opportunity to step in.

"Natasha, I'm sorry." He held her close, alarmed by how quickly her mood had turned. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just needed some time." He found one of he hands to hold tightly. "I'm not done with you yet," he joked lightly, using the hand that was cupping her cheek to lightly trace his fingertips over to her lips. "I'm trying to see if that got a smile of not."

She gave a soft laugh, pressing a kiss to his fingertips. "I love you too Nat, let's just move on from it, a stupid bump in the road, yeah?"

"Yeah," she nodded, leaning closer to him. "Move on."

He gently leaned in until he found her lips, kissing her in a way that instantly caused her to flush with excitement. This felt right, normal even. Like it was meant to be. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, bringing him closer as she instantly forgot about her mistakes. Her dishonesty a distant memory and she pushed it to the back of her mind where all her past was, everything she didn't like to think about.

It was almost too god damn easy.


The electricity was back on by the next morning, and the sunlight streaming through the gaps in the curtains caused them to wake earlier than planned. They were both tangled on the sofa, only in underwear with their clothes abandoned from when it got too hot in the night since the heating had kicked back on.

James woke when Natasha carefully climbed off him, stretching her back as she stood. "What time is it?" He grumbled, hiding behind his hand from the light.

"5:30am" she frowned, rubbing her eyes. "I'm going back to bed, bed. Now that we can find the way easier." They had retreated back to the sofa in the darkness, and hadn't wanted to move too happy with the comfortable cuddled up position they were in while laughing and joking.

Their argument had been quickly forgotten, moods lifting once more as they teased one another. Natasha ended up refusing to move once James told several ghost stories, all made up, but still terrifying in the darkness while the storm still raged on.

"I'll come with you," he got up, pulling the blankets with him. "Can't have the Oneeyed ghoul snatching you from under the bed,"

"James, don't," she moaned, "it's still not funny."

"You're scared even in the daylight?" He laughed as she dropped into bed.

"Shh. I'm sleeping." She smirked, closing her eyes in attempt at ignoring him.

"Mhmm. Sure." He murmured, climbing in and starting to pull the blankets over them. "Hey.."

"What?" She yawned not bothering to open her eyes. He shifted up onto his knees, leaving the blankets half covering them and lightly tracing the tattoo on her hip as he looked down at her.

"This is new," he mused, and she opened her eyes to judge his reaction. He was smirking at the little rose in amusement.

"Impulse and a little peer pressure, I got it yesterday," she explained, watching him admire it.

"I never expected that," he chuckled. "It's pretty hot."

She cleared her throat a little, not the first time she'd heard that. "You think?"

"Definitely," he grinned, crawling in behind her as she lay on her side, kissing at her neck and making her giggle as his stubble lightly tickled her. "Makes my mind wander," he teased.

"What? How many tattoos I'll cover myself with?" She asked jokingly, regretting not dropping the subject as he laughed, wrapped his arms around her from behind. She was just glad she was the little spoon so he couldn't see her reaction.

"More what other exciting little secrets you'll keep from me,"

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