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(Play the music for the ultimate sadness....well at least I think so)

Natsumi Pov:

     It was an early morning for everyone, except for me. I was up all night, worrying about my parents. They were supposed to come back from Hero work the night before, but they never did. I searched through the news that morning.....trying to find news about them.........and I did. There was a news report titled "Deku an Ground Zero Captured?!". I growled at the title. They made it sound like my parents were bad heroes. I tapped on the link. After a few sentences, I felt my blood boiling. I was squeezing my phone, ready to crush it when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jerked around, tears forming in my eyes. I was worried and mad at the same time. I saw Ekon. At this point, I had tears streaming down my face. He looked worried and I guessed he already knew what happened. I dropped to my knees, covering my eyes with my hands. Ekon crouched down, hugging me. I heard a whisper behind me that made small blasts erupt from my hands. I instantly stood up to face the person. I was still crying, but I didn't care. I had hatred in my eyes.

     "REALLY?! YOU WOULD TELL A PERSON WHO'S PARENTS THAT WERE JUST TAKEN THAT SHE NEEDS TO TOUGHEN UP?!!" I yelled, bigger explosions coming from my hands.

      I was ready to blow something up. I was in the center of the park. People were staring at me with concern. More tears flew down my face. I just wanted my parents back....alive. I stared at the two guys who were now shaking in fear. I guess they didn't realize that I was the daughter of Ground Zero and Deku. I lowered my hands. I looked like a big ball of emotions. I turned away from Ekon and the two guys. I blasted myself into the air, making myself in the stance that my father was always in as he flew through the air and when he landed. I landed on top of a building that had a smaller building that had a few wholes in it on top. I sighed. I blasted through the air again, trying to clear my mind. I couldn't show up to the Police Station in tears. I brushed my watering eyes and landed in front of the Police Station. I covered my head with my hood. I didn't want people seeing me outside of the station. I already knew all the officers. I walked inside, a few tears uncontrollably running down my now bright red cheeks. I saw the chief standing in his office talking to some of the officers.  I waited until they left to enter. I opened the door some-what quietly. I was now bawling like a baby. I grunted and rubbed my eyes, trying to look tough in front of the Chief, but it was no use. The tears kept on coming, so I just gave in. I looked at the Chief, staring into his eyes. I wanted to tell him it was me, but he already knew. I stared at him longer. I couldn't concentrate. My eyes were slowly closing. The lack of sleep started to take affect on me. I fell into the Chief's arms. I woke up on a bed. I quickly got up, ready to blast someone. I didn't know where I was until I saw Ekon. He was holding his hands out, ready for a large blast. I lowered my hands and sighed. I looked up, focusing on him. He put down his hands and walked over to me.  I sat down on the edge of the bed, my elbows on my knees and my hands holding my head. He rubbed my back. It made me feel calm.

     "You are at my place. My parents knew who you were and the situation, so they let you stay here. You have been asleep for the past eleven hours." said Ekon walking over to the door of the bedroom, "If you want to, you can come down for breakfast."

     Ekon walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. After about ten minutes, I opened the door. My eyes widened at the hallway that stretched from left to right. I knew the Ekon's parents had money, but I didn't know they had this much! I walked down a large stairway. I smelt something and walked into a large dining area. Ekon was sitting down at the table, eating quietly while his parents were talking. I could only make out a few words.....Save.....Izuku......Bakugou. I walked into the room, rubbing my sleeve against my eyes.

 I walked into the room, rubbing my sleeve against my eyes

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