Blood runs through

Start from the beginning

"What would you have done if I had said that". He simply smirked.

If looks could kill right now. He would have been long gone.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you after me"

"Woahhh...are you getting agitated frustrated. Now you know how I felt all these years".

"No I actually don't know".

"You really are a spoilt brat. You took everything that was meant to be mine. So I simply wanted to take it back. However I realised It wouldnt be as fulfilling, I needed to destroy yours first little brother".

The air in the room felt thin. My head was spinning. 'Did I just hear that right. No no it can't be. Little brother?'

"What the fuck did you just say?".

"You heard right. LITTLE BROTHER"
he started cackling. His head rolled to the back of the chair.

'He really did say brother. We are not related'

"STOP. YOU ARE FUCKING WITH ME. whatever sick twisted joke you want to pull. It's not going to work"

I got up so quickly I knocked down the chair. I was about to storm out of the room when he stopped me. "You are free to take my blood, hair or cotton swab my mouth. That won't change the fact that I belong in our family"

"Our...OUR FAMILY. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHTS" I walked over to him and yanked his collar closer to me. "YOU ARE A STRANGER. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT MY BROTHER"

"Deny it all you want but I'm your older brother shaofei".

My grip loosened, my knee weak. I collapsed against the table. I slowly slide down onto the floor. ' I refuse to believe it. It not true' I placed my hands on my head and shook it.

"You are no brother of mine. No brother will seek to destroy eachother". I got up with whatever strength was left in me. I head for the door but paused and looked back. "I'll need proof otherwise it's all A FUCKING LIE" I walked out and slammed the door.

"Oh but it's all true brother" was the last thing Tangyi and Jack heard from the other room.

Tangyi burst out of the room. He went looking shaofei. He knew what hes had just heard would cripple his emotions.

"Shaofei...fei. where are you? Shaofei?"

He busted in rooms searching for shaofei. He didnt care if he looked like a madman. He needed to be beside him now. He knew shaofei needed space but in situations like this he needs someone beside him before he does something stupid. "Fei...where are you. Please answer"

He had exhausted all his options searched every room before he realised he didnt even check the bathroom.

He bursts into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. "Fei..I know u're in here. Baby talk to me. It's not true until we see proof like u said"

He pushed open every door. He reached the last stall, tried to push it open but it wouldnt budge. He bent down to check under and saw the familiar shoes.

He rested his forehead on the door and knocked. "I don't have to come in.. I'll stay here as long as you need me to".

Faint sniffling and crying could be heard in the other side of the door. "I need you to be strong baby".

Shaofei didnt answer back. Instead his cry was getting loud.
"Let it out fei...I'm here. You'll feel better after trust me"

His sob got even louder and the tears he was trying to hold back or stifle was unleashed ad waterfall of tears came gushing out of his eyes. He was like this for a good 5 minutes. Crying non stop. "That's it fei. Get it all out".

"What.....if....its...true?" Shaofei said between cries. His voice was weak and hoarse from crying a bucket full.

"Whether or not it's true. We will find out soon. Jack has gone to collect some DNA sample. We just need yours"

Shaofei was silent.

The door cracked open a little bit, revealing a rear stained face shaofei. His eyes were red and his nose was wet.

Tangyi moved back. His heart immediately clenched tight in his chest. He hated seeing shaofei cry.

"Come here". He said opening his arms wide. Shaofei didnt waste anytime. He collapsed into his embrace and more tears flowed out. His breath was unsteady as he cried even more.

All Tangyi could do was rub slow circle on his back. Comforting him whilst his other arm wraps around his body.

"Let's get you home first"

Tangyi took shaofei to the car after cleaning his face and giving him his hat and mask to wear.

"Wait here going back to tell Jack we will come back once the result comes in".

Shaofei had given Tangyi a lock of hair wrapped in a tissue for the DNA sampling.

He was now alone in the car. His thoughts were going wild. He didn't quite know where to begin. But he was sure his parents are going to answer a few questions.

'Just what am I meant to believe now'

The bodyguard who guards my heart (HISTORY3 TRAPPED fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now