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  Niomi burst open the door. She rushed away. Matt followed suit but in the different direction because judging by the way people were moving she was running to the threat.

  Matt heard a loud growl. Man that thing must be big. he thought. Matt stopped in his tracks, he had this sudden urge to run in the opposite direction and confront the beast.

  A person bumped into him. It was a girl about his age with long straight brown hair in a pink dress, was she carrying a bow and a quiver filled arrows? She was going the way Niomi went. What was up with pretty girls and going in the direction of the beast?

  "I'm sorry." She apologized.

  "Don't worry." Matt said. The girl dashed off.

   Matt followed her while trying to point out that the Mister was in the way she was going.

  The girl finally stopped. Matt couldn't believe his eyes three giants holding giant brass balls. And there Niomi was, fighting one of them while others sat and watched as if it was a soccer match and they wanted to see who would win.

  Niomi looked down and shouted "Nafeesah don't just stand there help." 

  Nafeesah replied by blasting one of the sitting giant in the eye with an arrow.

  "Bad moooooove." He grumbled as he stood up.

  "Matt here!" Niomi tossed Matt a sword.

   Niomi stabbed her other sword in to the giant's chest and jumped down letting her sword rip the monster in half. The moment she landed the monster turned to yellow dust. Niomi looked for her sword she found the hilt but that was all. Niomi still went to the next giant to help Nafeesah though she didn't need it, she shot an arrow at the giant and he to finally disintegrated.

  Matt hadn't gone for his monster yet but it noticed him and was now advancing. All Matt could think of was to throw the sword so- he did.

  In hit the monster in the arm the giant picked it out and flicked it like it was an annoying tooth pick he left in his arm.
"Ha ha I get to kill The Great One." The giant reached down to pick Matt but he ran away. "Stand in one place so I can kill you."

  The monster smashed his foot on Matt.

Death never came. Matt had instinctively jumped. Matt heard a voice in his head that of a man, Stick out your left hand. Matt followed the instructions and after five seconds nothing happened then ground cracked, a sword of fire shot into his hand. The sword glowed gold despite the fire. It sprang to life and shot through monster's head and back the way it came and back into the ground.

  Behind him Niomi and Nafeesah stared wide eyed."Did you... just there's no way you." Niomi mumbled. Nafeesah kneeled and Niomi did the same. Matt the realized there was this blinding light but then he realized it came from him.

  "All hail Master Mateo Evans." the girls chorused.

Olympus Has Fallen:Blood Of The AncientsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin