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Falling from a rooftop was a most unpleasant way to start one's morning.

To her, it only proved the Grounded had no manners.

The morning had been a pleasant one. Warm sunlight creeping over the shattered city, warming her bones from the chill, rainy night. The fog retreating away to the mountains and jungles beyond the city. Raptors lazily drifting over the crumbling buildings in search of a meal. Peace.

Until gunshots rang in the air, and she was forced to flee from her encampment on the roof of an old apartment building. And unfortunately, the tile had been wet with morning dew.

Which left her plummeting to the ground. Her body was slapped with giant wet leaves and torn by rough branches as she fell. The overgrown jungle, if anything, helped to break her fall.

But it mattered little to her back when met with the mossy asphalt.

The breath rushed from her lungs, and she groaned. "Ohhhh I deserve a hot bath tonight."

"I'll see if I can find one for you in the Nether."

She turned her head. Soren stood atop a crest of shattered pavement, as skinny as a sapling, long hair loosely tied back. He picked his way down to her and offered a hand.

She took it and hefted to her feet. "Thanks, Soren."

That conceited grin she knew so well made an appearance. "Anytime, Mythra."

She scowled. "Myth, brother. Myth."

He scoffed. "Whatever."

"Did shaving my head not get the point across?"

"Really, I thought you just got tired of brushing it." He rolled his eyes. "C'mon, the Grounded are going to find us here. We need to get to the nether."

Myth brushed the dirt from her jacket and pants. "Must we? Can't we just run? I'm too tired to deal with giant crocodiles right now. I'll take the bullets over dragons any day."

He grabbed her hand. "Yes the poor dragons would much rather have you as their snack than see you as a bullet bag. Now come. Gaia's waiting."

"Please tell me you brought someone else to be her snack."

He winked. "That's the plan."

A lone Grounded grunt burst out from behind the building. His copper skin shone with sweat, which had soaked through his military clothes, and within seconds he had his rifle aimed at them. "Netherwalkers! Stop where you are!"

Soren held up his hands in surrender. "Hey, hey. Calm down. You got us, okay?"

The man trembled, hardly reassured. "You stop, got it? You stay right there! No lightning tricks! My mates will be here in a minute."

Her brother gave a shrug. "I get it. No moving. But y'know, why wait for your friends?" He took a slow step towards the grunt. "I could take you to the nether. Right now. But only if it's just you. Non'a your friends."

The grunt tentatively looked out from behind his gun. "R-really?"

Myth crossed her arms. "Yes, we're totally not going to feed you to our pet dragon."

Soren elbowed her in the ribs.

The man eyed them. "There ain't dragons in the nether. You Netherwalkers make 'em up to frighten us normal folks. But I don't believe it! I don't!"

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