Chapter Two: The Timekeeper's Request

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As D.J, Lillith and Robbie entered Fenton Works something felt wrong.

"Dad? We're home!", said D.J

"Dad? Mom?", asked Lillith with a concerned look on her face.

"I'll check the video com to see if they're somewhere in the house.", said Robbie.

But, before he could do anything there was a loud noise.

"What the heck was that?!", asked a startled D.J

"I don't know, maybe we should get down to the lab!" said Robbie.

"Mom and Dad said it's off-limits though," said Lilith in a stern tone.

"What's worse...getting grounded or finding out something bad has happened to our parents?" asked an annoyed Robbie.

"Well, you have a point. All right let's go see what is going on.", said Lilith.

"We might need reinforcements, just in case.", said Robbie as he touched a button on the video com's keyboard. He sent an emergency message to Katie and Abby.

"All right then, let's phase down to the lab and figure out what is going on?", said D.J as he transformed.

Just as they were about to phase through the wall Abby and Katie entered the house.

"You called for an emergency meeting?", asked Katie.

"Our parents are gone and there is something happening in the lab.", said Lilith.

"Hang on! I'll use the spector locator to detect any suspicious activity...Oh no! I forgot to charge this thing!", said Abby as she pulled out a tablet-like device.

Just then another ominous noise was heard.

"We don't have time for this crap, guys!", said Robbie.

"Ro's got a point.", said Abby.

The three all made their way down to the lab and were shocked at what they saw.

The spector speeder had been flung out of the Ghost Zone, but thanks to Danny's intanigibility no one had been hurt.

"Mom! Dad!", said the kids as they approached their parents.

"What happened?", asked D.J

"We tried to stop Vlad, but obviously we were no match for him.", said Danny as he struggled to stand up.

"He's planning something, but we don't know what it is yet.", said Valerie as she helped her husband Tucker up.

"Either way, we know he's up to no good and we have to stop him.", said Jazz as she stood up.

"Well, we might not be able to. Look at what happened to the ship, and the lab will take a while to repair.", said Sam.

Just then it seemed as if everyone had froze, a mysterious light appeared and turned into clock hands.

It was Clockwork the master of all things time, he quickly gave the kids medallions so they would wake up.

"I need your help, children.", he said as they came to.

"Clockwork!", said Robbie

"You need OUR help?!", said a confused D.J

"What is that we need to do?", asked Lilith.

"I can't just reveal that yet, first I must show you what is happening in another timeline.", said Clockwork as he phased them all to his lair.

"Where are we?", asked Robbie.

"The ghost zone I think, but something's different here.", said D.J

Katie, Abby and Lilith were all lost in thought as they had never seen Clockwork's lair before.

"Bro! Check this out", D.J said as Robbie approached him.

"That's Amity Park, but it looks like it's in distress!", he said with a concerned look on his face.

"It gets worse, gentlemen. Much much worse!", said Clockwork as he showed them what the future would turn out to be.

"Dad's the most wanted man on Earth and the ghost zone?", asked Robbie.

"After Vlad Plasmius declared war against the Earth your father formed a rebellion against him and when he failed to stop Vlad he fell out of everybody's favor.", said Clockwork.

"No! I can't let that happen! I already lost my mother I won't lose my dad!", said Robbie as an angry look appeared on his face.

"What do you want us to do?", asked D.J

"Go into the future and stop Vlad from eliminating the Ghost King and the Fright Knight and then you'll be able to prevent this apocalyptic future.", said Clockwork as he handed them an hourglass.

"What is this for?!", asked Robbie.

"It's for traveling through time, don't break it! If you do you'll be trapped in whatever time you're currently in.", said Clockwork as he instructed them on how to use the hour glass.

"Can we time travel whenever we please?", asked D.J

"That is possible, just remember to set the hour glass upside down if it begins to run out.", he said.

"This is good news, because I need to get some things ready for this.", said Robbie.

"What do you mean?", asked D.J

"I'm going to get out my dad's old suit.", he told his best friend.

"You're following in your father's footsteps?", he asked.


"Now that I've given you the task don't fail me, if you are successful I will give you something very rare.", said Clockwork.

"Like what?", asked D.J

Clockwork gave him an annoyed look.

"I get it, you're not at liberty to discuss it.", said Robbie.

"Good! Now go get your friends and get going", said Clockwork as Robbie and D.J prepared to leave.

"Good Luck! May the Force Be With You", he said.

But, what they didn't know is what they were about to enter was a violent situation and an unpredictable battleground.

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