|Chapter 3|

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|Chapter 3|

            "Just tell me how you're alive and where you've been this time, Stiles!" Derek ordered above his hospital bed, arms folded and gaze stern. Stiles felt even more weak and fragile with Derek, the big bad sourwolf, towering above him. Although he was no longer an Alpha, he still acted like he was.

            "I told you I don't know!" Stiles argued, wanting to get up and kick him for being such a lousy person.

            Derek had barged in through the door early in the morning while Stiles was still sleeping. The noise of the door slamming woke him up, and he was a little bit terrified when he saw Derek hovering over him, looking upset. Stiles had groaned and squinted up at him past the eye burning florescent lights on the ceiling. Then, he started pounding the human with questions he couldn't answer. Currently, Stiles was slamming on the nurse button. The funny thing was, his dad, who was sleeping in the corner on a chair, didn't even wake up. He must have been really out of it. Stiles couldn't blame him. He would've still been sleeping if it weren't for one obnoxious werewolf.

            A minute later, Melissa McCall and Scott burst in to his room much to Stiles's pleasure. It was at that moment that his father jolted up looking jostled and bewildered, even more so when he heard the yelling between the two boys. Scott growled under his breath, pushing Derek away from his best friend.

            "Leave him alone! He doesn't know anything," Scott ordered, eyes flashing a brilliant shade of red, signaling his status of True Alpha. Derek growled in response but backed off a little bit, still not taking his eyes off of the Stiles.

            "You heard my son," Sheriff Stilinski hissed. "He doesn't know. Now get out!" His tone was so demanding that Stiles wasn't certain if his father was human. Derek shrunk out of the room after another glance over at him. Then, Melissa shut the door tightly behind him, dark hair flouncing wildly around her head.

            Scott looked at him nervously and asked, "Are you okay, Stiles? I'm really sorry about Derek, you know how he can be such a douche bag. I'll talk to him about it later."

            "No, no it's fine, Scotty," Stiles assured him. "He was just being his normal sourwolf self. I'm more concerned about you guys and what's been going on."

            Scott clutched his brother's hand comfortingly. "You don't need to worry about any of that right now. All you need to do is focus on getting better. That includes thinking about yourself more for once."

            "How can I? How can I focus on getting better when I don't understand what the hell happened to me?! I apparently died but then I wasn't really dead and you found me dying again! That just messes me up. Maybe you should've just let me die the second time you found me. Then things wouldn't be so complicated."

            His friend's grip on his hand loosened significantly. "Don't say that, Stiles! You know I would never let you die. We can figure out what happened later. That's not important right now. We just need to get--"

            "--me better, I know, I know...but what if I'm not better? What if the nogitsune is still inside of me, waiting somewhere deep inside. What if I won't be okay? I could hurt you again, I could hurt everyone..." Stiles felt his breath become labored. His chest felt tight and constricted, and suddenly he couldn't breathe. It was the overwhelming sensation of a panic attack, something he hadn't missed while the nogitsune was in control.

            In a flash, Melissa was beside him, opposite the side of Scott, whispering comforting words into his ear as his father and Scott tried to get him to calm down by instructing them to breathe with him. Stiles wheezed, but it hurt too much. He tried again, eyes burning with unshed tears. Then, he finally was able to match the pace of his father and Scott's breathing, and his lungs felt opened again as Stiles took in deep, shuddering breaths. Melissa rubbed the back of his hands as the tears from his eyes leaked out.

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