Part 2: Grief

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The funeral ceremony for Jeon Jungkook had concluded. Goodbyes and pleasantries were exchanged and everyone went their own separate ways. Taemin hopped in his car and began to drive back to his base. On the way there, he felt a hollow sense of dread hang over him. A sort of uneasy aura built up inside his body. Almost as if he sensed an approaching storm.
(And not the kind that was happening outside right now.)
But he just chalked those bad feelings up to be a manifestation of the rainy weather. He shrugged it off and went home as normal.

Pulling up to the base, he parked his car and climbed out, hitting the button of his key fob to lock his vehicle and set the alarm.
"Hm. Back to business, I suppose."
He rolled his neck while entering into the main lobby of the hideout. The moment he stepped a foot inside, the eerie feelings had come back. The base seemed unusually quiet. The immediate area was not flooded with his gunman or operatives like they usually were. The only people that had occupied this space other than Taemin, was a female and a male coolly lounging on a red couch in the living room. At first, they didn't even seem aware to Taemin's presence. He had to clear his throat loudly and step harder on the floor to get them to even acknowledge him.
As he cleared his throat, they both turned their faces up to him with wide, hair-rising grins. It made Taemin a little nervous, but he wasn't about to let it phase him and show on his face.
"Oh, hey boss! You're home." The male on the couch leaned back, laying an arm over the top of the cushions. The female stayed quiet, but kept a steady stare on the blond leader.

"Baekhyun. Rosé. What are you two doing lounging around? Shouldn't you be at your posts?" Taemin growled. He raised a sharp, but curious brow at them. They slowly stood to their feet and deeply bowed.
"We were just finishing up a quick break, sir. We'll head back." Baekhyun gently slapped Rosé on the arm.

" Baekhyun gently slapped Rosé on the arm

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"C'mon, Chaeyoung. Let's go." He turned away and strolled off down a random hallway. Rosé lightly bowed at Taemin, but never took her eyes off of him. That struck him as odd. Very odd. Rosé was normally very talkative and always greeted him. He wondered what came over her this time around. She murmured a reponse at him before shuffling after Baekhyun.
"See ya around, Boss."

Taemin stood there watching for a moment as they disappear around the corner. A feeling of confusion fell on him temporarily as he mulled over that peculiar exhange he had with his loyal servants. He shrugged it off and began heading down the main hall that takes him back to his office. He passed a few other members who seem to only look down and purposefully avoided eye contact with him. On a usual monotonous day, he'd just think that their behavior was perfectly normal. Taemin wasn't necessarily a cruel leader, but he was strict and followed through with harsh punishments where it was deemed necessary. One could not have a well groomed flock without a sense of order and discipline.

He gave little head nods toward the few people who spoke to him. They were quiet and greeted Taemin in soft, hesitant tones.
"G-good day, Sir." One woman said.
A man stood at his position, looking the other way. "W-welcome home, sir."

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