Chapter 2: Recruitment Center (Has been Revised)

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Light and noises, loud, loud noises. I blinked a few times, my eyelids still heavy from whatever drug they had given me. As my surroundings cleared I could make out other figures, other...Dogs? I quickly got to my feet ready to defend my self only to fall back down. My legs were to weak to hold my weight up. I frantically glanced around, taking in all the different types of dogs, and their barks. They were giving me a headache, If they don't stop soon I knew I would lose it.

"Hey" a voice spoke to my left. I looked over to make eye contact with a large grey dog looking at me through the fencing.

"Are you okay" he asked. I ignored his question and retained my attention back to getting up. Why can't I get up?

"My name is Cooper whats yours?" He asked again.

I growled lowly, warning him to leave me alone. I hoped he would take the hint and shut up, but he pushed it away.

"Your cuts looked pretty bad when you came in, but they fixed you up real good" he pressed on, I rolled my eyes. What does he care?

"The dogs that come in here looking like you usually get put down, but you must have made quite an impression. I even overheard them talking about getting you a job already"

I knew he wasn't going to stop talking unless I replied, so I pushed down my big ego and looked back over at him. He stood their sending me a kind smile and waiting for me to reply. I sighed, taking in a deep breath I finally spoke.

"Where exactly am I?" I asked.

"Marine K-9 recruitment center" he replied.

"The what?" My eyebrows were furrowed into a confused exspression.

"Basically, It's a training center for dogs"

"Great" I replied, unamused.

"People come here to pick out a dog for their team. When you get picked you get assigned jobs, like bomb sniffing, drug searching, you can even get sent to the battle field" He informed me, excitedly.

"Your a bit to happy about this"

"It's an honor to be able to serve your country, I've been waiting for three years to be picked" Cooper replied, Sternly. Yeesh! I must have hit a nerve.

" Three years? Wait! How long have I been here?" I asked, Frantically.

"About 2 days"

"2 days! I have been asleep for 2 days?" I tried to get to my feet again, but that was an epic failure.

"Don't worry the drugs will wear off soon. You should be able to stand within the next hour" he stated, giving me a look of reassurance. I needed to get out of here what if "they" come after me? I pushed myself up with my front paws, but my legs quickly started to shake and I slumped back to the ground. I tried again this time I was able to get on all fours for about two seconds, until I was back down. I let out a low frustrated growl to myself.

"Your going to hurt yourself" Cooper said as he watched me struggle again and again and AGAIN. I tried one last time, I put all my strength I had left into it. I lifted myself up, using my upper body muscles mostly. When I had all four paws on the ground below me, I let out a loud snarl. The whole place went silent and cooper stood back in surprise. I shook my body and held my head high. I....was...up! The fact that the place had gone quiet was just a bonus.

A door slammed from down the hall.

"What the heck?" A voice asked, confused by the silence. Footsteps quickly started down the hall approaching where I was currently residing. The two men I had seen before stopped in front of the fence that separated me from freedom. One of the men slightly nudged the other, in shock.

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