"He's huge!" He shouts as you look back at him.

"No, really?" You say sarcastically to Natsu as he nods. You facepalm and then sigh.

"So we heard that you needed our help." Lucy says to the King as he nods.

"Exactly." He says with a chuckle.

"Lucy and your friends, welcome back from the timeskip! Now, let's a party!" The celestial spirits say in unison as you look at them in confusion.

"Eh?" You let out as Virgo smirks.

"You said the celestial world was in trouble!" Lucy exclaims as Virgo shrugs.

"Sorry to trick you guys, but we thought this would be better as a surprise." Taurus says with a smile.

"We all can't go to the human realm at once, so we thought it would be easier to bring you all here." Aquarius explains as you nod in understanding.

" Let's make this party huge!" The Celestial Spirit King exclaims as you cheer in happiness and agreement.

"Its been quite a while, my queen." Loke says while taking your hand in his and then quickly turning you around and dipping you. He winks at you as you blush lightly and smile at him.

"It has been quite a while Leo." You say to him as he lifts you back upright.

"Still single?" Loke asks, nudging you as you nod.

"Just haven't really found the one yet...I guess." You say with a shrug as you feel a tap on the shoulder. Lyra motions over to her harp as you follow her. She taught you this song to sing, you always sang it to remind you of how amazing your friends are to you.

"My old friends, I can see you. You are, right there." You sing, reminiscing different moments with your friends that make you smile.

[Time Skip]

"Time goes at a different pace in this realm." Virgo tells you as you nod.

"I think one year here is one day in the human realm." She says as you smirk.

"Definitely enough time to train..." You trail off, before you get sent off.

"The grand magic games start in 5 days. You guys really must've been training hard." Droy says as you fall to the ground on your knees.

"What the hell?!?" You shout, beating onto the ground.

"Get up Y/N! We shall do a five-day cram training!" Erza shouts, tugging on your arm harshly and pulling you to your feet. You groan.

"That would just wreck our bodies completely, and then we'd be out of commission. " You say as a pigeon stops in front of you, with a small note tied to its leg. You remove the note from the bird, then it flies away.

"Dear Fairy Tail, come to the suspension bridge in the west woods." You say with confusion in your voice.

[Time Skip]

You let out another scream of pain, writhing on the ground in pain. The symbols on your body glow as Natsu, Gray, and Lucy all sweatdrop.

"Um, is the pain really as bad as it looks?" Lucy asks.

"How much does it hurt exactly?" Gray asks.

"I can do a sense link if you really wanna feel the pain early." Meredy says as Gray shakes his head.

"I-I'm good." He stutters out to her.

You take short breaths and then a deep one as the symbols disappear from your body.

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