The Reason (Chapter 4)

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"Ok. Now that you are all here, we will tell you why we brought you all here," said Xerneas.

"But first we must ask you one question. What would you do if you could prevent a catastrophe from happening?" said Yveltal.

"Now now my brother. Let's save that question until after we tell them the danger this world is in," said Zygarde.

"Uh... Can we ask you something? Why do we look like this?" asked Christian after we looked at each other.

"You look like that because only Pokémon can come here. So you are now, essentially, part Pokémon, or Poké Humans," said Xerneas.

"So that means that I'm part Xerneas?" I said

"That is correct, Chandra. Your brother is part Yveltal, and your friend is part Zygarde," said Xerneas

"Woah, will we be stuck like this forever now?"

"No. Once you leave this place you will return to your original appearance, but you will still have one thing from your Poké Human form."

"Like what?"

"You will have my antlers, Christian will have Yveltal's horns, and Allen will have Zygarde's crown."

"But won't people see them?"

"No, only those who know the full story that we are about to tell you."


Long ago when the Kalos region was still new, there were no kings over the region. It was a time of peace and love among the humans and Pokémon of the region.

But one day, a war broke out. Many Pokémon and men took part in the war. One Pokémon was a beloved Floette was killed during the war. The man was given a box containing his Pokémon's flower. He wanted to bring it back, no matter what. The man built a machine to restore his Pokémon to life. But he had suffered too much that bringing his Pokémon back could not make his rage subside. He could not forgive the world that allowed his beloved Pokémon to be hurt. He turned the machine he made into an ultimate weapon. The man became a bringer of destruction, ending the war by almost destroying both sides. The Floette that was revived left the man, knowing that many Pokémon lives were taken just to restore its own. After his beloved Pokémon left him, the man was surprised and sad. Day after day he wandered, looking for his Pokémon, but they never saw each other again.

But the weapon was not destroyed when he ended the war. It was buried by his younger brother to prevent it from being used again. He asked the three keepers of balance to help him by absorbing the rest of the weapons energy. 

The three absorbed the energy remaining and then retreated to an unknown location to sleep, with the promise of returning if the weapon is used again.

And so the story goes.....


"So you're saying that the Kalos region is in trouble and we are the only ones who could save it?" said Allen after the story was told.

"In a word, yes. We had promised to interfere if the weapon is being used, but we are too old to stop the problem" said Yveltal.

"But we don't know what is causing the trouble here. We just got here, how are we supposed to know"

"You'll find out on your journey here. Not even we know what the problem is. But we will give you each a gift that will help you. Take these eggs. They are the new balance keepers."

"But how do we get out of here?" I said after I got my Xerneas egg.

Just like when we got here, the cave suddenly shook and we found ourselves outside. And just as Xerneas said, Allen had Zygarde's crown, Christian had Yveltal's horns, and I had Xerneas' antlers.

"Well, we should try to find a Pokécenter or a house that will let us spend the night," I said as I put my egg into my bag.

We walked for a while and found an old couple who had three extra beds and said we could stay for awhile. After dinner, we went to bed. I stayed awake for awhile thinking about what dangers might be waiting for us in the near future until I somehow fell asleep.


Chandra: Fennekin (Foxie), Fletchling (Sunshine), Furfrou (Heart), Leafeon (Flower)

Christian: Froakie, Fletchling (Zeus), Helioptile (Sassy), Axew (Spike)

Allen: Chespin (Hanna), Umbreon (Lola), Eevee (Lupe)

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