Harry shrugged off her thanks and turned to Lucius, who was folding the paper and looking up at him warily.

"And where are we going this morning?" Lucius asked.

Harry smiled. "We're going to pay a visit to Kingsley."

"You do remember that he asked you to make an appointment?"

"And we will. But since the Floo's not working, we'll just have to go there to make it. May as well drop in and see him while we're at it."


This time, when Harry barged into Kingsley's office, the Minister groaned theatrically. "What now, Harry?" he asked, completely exasperated.

Harry shrugged. "I'm making an appointment to go see about Lucius' vault. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Kingsley stared at him for a full minute, face curiously expressionless, before bursting out in a laugh that was less amusement and more frustration.

"Harry... this is the sort of thing you don't make appointments for. And this isn't how you go about making them, anyway. Just... do me a favour. Let Mr. Malfoy guide you. At least he knows the proper procedures."

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but Lucius stepped smoothly in front of him. "Of course, Minister," he said, voice oozing solicitousness. "Please, call me Lucius. We're all friends here, after all." He leaned forward over the desk and extended a graceful hand.

Harry noticed that his other hand gripped the head of his cane, knuckles gone white with the effort he was expending to move so smoothly. But Kingsley didn't seem to notice, as the massive piles of parchment on his desk blocked Lucius' shaking hand from his view.

Kingsley shook his head, looking like he didn't believe what he was about to do. Then he clasped Lucius' hand firmly. "Lucius," he said. Then, after a pause, he added. "You may as well call me Kingsley, I suppose."

"I think Minister should suffice, at least in public. It wouldn't do you any political favours to appear too friendly with a former Death Eater, after all."

Kingsley's face took on a green tinge for a moment, but he didn't say anything.

After a moment, Lucius said, "I believe it would be best to do this when the Ministry is officially closed. How does Saturday work for you, Minister?"

Kingsley groaned and waved a hand helplessly. "Fine. Absolutely fine," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "I didn't want to see my wife this week, anyway. I've yet to come up with a sufficient apology for last week."

Lucius' mouth quirked up at one corner. "I believe we can help you there, as well. Very well. We shall see you Saturday morning. Say, around 9? There's a lovely little tea shop not far from the Ministry. It would be perfect for a light breakfast."

Kingsley nodded. "I know it. This vault," he said hesitantly, "it wouldn't be in London, would it? Because I'm not sure..." he trailed off, looking torn.

Lucius smiled thinly. "No, it is not. We'll be arranging International Portkeys for the three of us. So that we can find an appropriate apology gift for your wife, of course. I'll make arrangements for us to have lunch out as well. That way you and Harry can discuss his many career options."

Lucius glanced significantly at Kingsley, and Harry frowned, realising there was something going on here that he wasn't aware of, and not liking it at all.

Before he could say anything, Kingsley nodded and Lucius clapped a firm hand on Harry's shoulder, steering him toward the door.

"Oh," Lucius said, turning back before they reached the door. "The vault is in a Muggle area. It would be wise to dress accordingly. I assume you have something appropriate?"

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