Chapter Twelve- A Flirt

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That Sunday passed and his flutey friend did not show up. They were problem irritated that he was a Serpent and left without telling him. Now it was a new day and although he was supposed to keep his relationship with Sleeping Beauty a secret, it did not stop him from flirting with her. The bus from the Southside to Riverdale High generally has the Serpents come to school earlier than others, but never his Sleeping Beauty. When Sweet Pea and the other Serpents walked into the lounge she was curled up on the couch. Her eyes, although covered by her giant glasses, were intently reading the book in front of her. She flipped the page every couple seconds. The other Serpents went to sit down at a table behind her and became loud almost immediately, but Sleeping Beauty was completely unfazed. To be completely honest she probably didn't even notice that there were other people in the room with you.

"Hey Sweet Pea, you gonna say hi to your girl?" Fangs laughed at him noticing the oblivious Sleeping Beauty.

"She's not my girl. She's too good for me." He mocked, "Northsiders."

"It doesn't stop you from flirting with her." Toni raised an eyebrow, he weighed his options but what really tipped the scales was the thought that he might get to scared her. He walked over to her and bent down to right to her ear.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty!" He yelled in her ear, it startled her so much that her book when flying across the room and she jumped like six feet in the air. "You wear those glasses for me today? After I told you how much I like you in them?"

"No," she huffed getting up to pick up her book. When she turned around she was confused to see the other Serpents there. "When did you all get here?"

"A couple minutes ago." Toni chuckled, Sweet Pea looked his girl up and down. Her hair was down and she wore a baggy red sweater what was falling off her shoulder, paired with black skinny jeans. He bite his lip looking at her, she could pull of anything in his mind.

"Really? Wow, I didn't realize it was almost time for school."She looked at the clock behind her.

"What time do you get here at?" Sweet Pea asked, he was actually curious as to she somehow always beat the rest of the school here.

"It depends, today it was a little over an hour early. I was suppose to meet a concert band student here this morning to help them out. I usually come here early to rehearse for thirty minutes or do homework or whatever." She sighed, wait did I get my date wrong with the Flute lesson? Was it actually supposed to be this morning?

"Wait, a flute lesson?" Toni smiled.

"Yeah, how did you know?" She looked to her for a second and then went to Sweet Pea.

"Sweet Pea's instructor stood him up yesterday for his band director ordered flute lesson." She looked at the two of them,

"You're a flautist." She smiled at Sweet Pea and gave him a wow look. "All I knew was that the Band Director set it up for this morning and that they were a new transfer."

"I though he said Sunday at 5, not Monday." He looked at her for a second.

"I can still help we've got sometime before first period starts." Although that was what she was saying, she gave him a different look, one that involved a wink. Nobody noticed the wink, except for Sweet Pea, but he was definitely catching the vibe she was putting out. Or at least he hoped she was.

"Sure, why not." The other Serpents just stared at him, he passed hanging with them for a flute lesson, it was weird. They both grabbed their things and set out from the room, when they got a little further Sweet Pea moved her against the locker.

"What was with you flirting with me at the diner yesterday?" She asked, looking in his eyes a little ticked off.

"Well I figured, I already flirted with you beforehand why stop. You know just acting normal." He bent down and kissed her, the kiss lasted for a couple seconds before he broke away. "So did you actually wear those glasses for me this morning?"

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