Chapter 4- Empty Threats And Violent Cuddles

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It had been two days since the hell fury of Sleeping Beauty, Sweet Pea finally had his schedule changed:

1st- AP Algebra

2nd- Concert Band

3rd- AP Bio

4th- Lunch

5th- Home Economics

6th- World History

7th- English

Currently, Sweet Pea was sitting in his AP Bio class, Sleeping Beauty was head down on the desk asleep. The old bat that was teaching continued to drone on and on endlessly, his boredom prompted a diabolical plan. He opened his binder to the blank paper section and began to take the paper off and place it on Sleeping Beauty's head. He started stacking paper, books, pencils, and really anything he could find on her head.

"You're an ass Sweet Pea, I hope you know that." She muttered into the desk. He didn't even look around to see all the attention he was attracting, the majority of the class kept looking back at the two of them, giggling, taking pictures, and making jokes. Apparently, this class is so boring that anything remotely amusing becomes a big deal. Who would've guessed stacking all this on her would create some bad karma. The bell rang and Jess shot up, everything stacked on top of her flew throughout the entire classroom. "That, my darling Sweet Pea, is why you shouldn't stack things on me while I sleep."

The entire class began to slowly trickle out of the room. Jess decided sit up on the desk and watched Sweet Pea gather everything. 

"Nice turtleneck," She sniggered at him, he didn't like it either. It was choking him and hiding his tattoo. "Penny for your thoughts."

"Was that entirely necessary?" he asked.

"Just because I gave you a cheesecake doesn't mean I am going to jeopardize my reputation." She shook her head. "Plus, if you are going to turn me into the class joke it will come with a consequence." 

"Yeah Yeah Yeah. You just made a really big mess though! You should clean it!" 

"You put it on my head. I just stood up! How was I suppose to know?" She smirked at him.

"You were awake. You called me an ass!" They started walking out of the classroom.

"Are you sure I wasn't sleeping talking? Maybe I said, Sweet Pea nice ass. After all the desk makes it sound different." 

"Oh, so you're dreaming about my ass now?" They turned to each other.

"What ass? In your dreams turtleneck!" She said while walking off down the hallway. 

"Doesn't have to be! It's in your dreams!" He yelled to her, with a smile spreading across the face. She didn't even turn around to flip him off, she just kept on walking to her locker. He smirked to himself and stored his books in his locker than walked to lunch. 

"Well someone is oddly chipper!" Tony nudged him. "Does it have something to do with this?"

She showed him a video of Jess waking up at the bell, and everything flying everywhere. He looked at her smile when she popped up in the video. That damn smile that does something to him. It is practically mesmerizing. 

"I wouldn't say cleaning that mess was fun at all. Where did you get that? It happened like two minutes ago?" He grabbed his tray and started his lunchline adventure. 

"It's the internet in high school. Does it need an explanation?" She rolled her eyes, Sweet Pea felt someone pull his shoulder around. He turned to face this ballsy Northsider. 

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