10. Sandra

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Sandra stumbled from the car, barely remembering at the last minute to grab her bag as Ms. Burrie moved forward to take her arm. She felt a little silly as she was helped into the wheelchair, but another cramp struck and convinced her that it was probably the best option to get her to her room quickly.

Panting once the cramp released her, she leaned back in the wheelchair and sat her bag in her lap.

"Thank you," she said as she was wheeled through the side entrance that lead straight to the rooms.

"Oh, it's no problem dear, this happens all the time. I have everything you requested in your room, so we can just get you settled, and I'll get out of your hair. If anything is missing, or you think of something else you need, just hit the call button."

Nodding, Sandra barely paid attention to her surroundings as they made their way to the room she would be spending the next few days in. Once there, Ms. Burrie took her bag and helped her out of the wheelchair.

"Here you go, this will help with the cramps for a little while, so you have time to put things away," she said, handing Sandra a pill and a bottle of water. "They're strong and I can only give you one."

Quickly swallowing it down, Sandra sat on the edge of the bed and looked around. Purple was her favorite color, so she had requested all of the blankets and things be in shades of violet, and she had to admit that she loved the way it looked with the grey walls and carpeting.

When her eyes returned to Ms. Burrie, she held out a small black object.

"This is your emergency button. Place it on your smallest finger, with the button on the inside that way you will be able to push it with one hand," she told Sandra. "You just hold your thumb on it for three seconds and we will be alerted to check on you and send security if needed."

Nodding, Sandra accepted it and slipped it on. Testing the comfort and making sure she could reach it, everything seemed to be as it should be.

Feeling significantly better, she stood and pulled her bag up onto the bed to open it.

"Your stud has had his injection and his teeth-guards attached already, so he is ready for whenever you want him. I'll go ahead and leave you now but call if there is anything you need or if you decide that you want him early," Ms. Burrie said.

Sandra thanked her and then focused on getting her things arranged the way she wanted them. She had only brought one change of clothes, knowing she wouldn't need them for the majority of the time she spent here, but she had packed her favorite blanket and a couple of her favorite pillows, as well as some candles and things that would help make the room feel more like home.

Emptying the bag, she threw it into the closet in the bathroom as she set some of her candles around the tub. Pulling out a pair of towels and the soap she liked the scent of, she sat them next to the tub where they would be easy to reach when they were needed.

Heading back into the main room, she began to create her nest. Saving her favorite blanket and pillows for last, she took the ones provided for her and began to arrange them the way her instincts instructed. This was something she had done many times in her years alone in her safe room, but this was the first time she was making one large enough for an Alpha to fit in it with her.

Laying the blanket she had brought from home on top of all of the others, she lay down for a moment to rest. The pill had helped for a short period, but she could already feel her temperature rising again, her skin flushing and a sheen of sweat covering her limbs. She forced herself to drink two glasses of water as she relaxed on the bed before she couldn't lay still any longer.

Agitation rising, Sandra carefully climbed from the nest and began to walk around the room. Checking out everything that Ms. Burrie had told her of, she made her way around until she ended up back in the bathroom. She decided that a cool bath sounded good, so she ran the water as she stripped off her dress. Leaving it in a pile on the floor, she stepped down into the tub and relaxed back on the reclined seat, reveling in the feel of the cool water lapping at her skin.

She managed to doze off for a little while before the cramps began again. Sitting up in the tub, Sandra figured there was no reason to torture herself when she had an Alpha waiting to tend her, so she hit the call button. Ms. Burrie answered promptly.

"Is there anything I forgot?"

"No," Sandra responded. "I think I'm ready for you to bring the Alpha."

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll get him right away."

Sandra let out a gasp as another cramp ripped through her core, causing her to pull her knees up to her chin, grunting as the wave passed from her belly to the muscles of her back. The were coming closer together and becoming more intense. She was sure that even had she not been in the tub, she would have been wet from the slick pouring from her core. Even diluted in the tub she could pick up the sweet scent of it in the air around her.

Sandra lost track of time as she waited, simply trying to breathe between each wave of cramps. Eventually she thought she heard the outer door open, and she raised her head to watch the doorway. It wasn't long until Austin's broad shoulders filled the space and his eyes caught hers. Nostrils flaring as he scented the room, his eyes darkened as he was hit with her pheromones and the scent of omega slick.

Letting out a whimper, Sandra raised her hand from the water to reach towards him.

"Do you want me to help you out or come in there with you?" he rumbled as he took a few steps closer to her.

"Here," she managed to gasp out.

As he began to shed his clothing, she was almost completely distracted from her pain. It was like her body was aware that an Alpha was there and decided to stop torturing her suddenly. Sandra's mouth watered as she watched him peel off his shirt, revealing his chest, golden skin stretched taught over rippling muscle. He had tattoos across his chest and shoulders that she hadn't noticed when she had first seen him in his cell and the dark, swirling ink embellished his flawless skin and gave him an exotic look that sent a thrill tickling down her spine.

Licking her lips, she sat up on her knees and leaned forward in the tub as his hands moved to his belt.

***This is the end of the sample. Hired for Heat, Hired to Protect, and Hired to Breed are all available on Amazon.***

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