7. Austin

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Austin studied the female before him. She wasn't as small as some omegas were, but she was still tiny compared to him. He had been shocked when she walked in, especially considering he was expecting to be told he had to leave The Haven. Her business suit was a pale lavender with a brighter purple blouse. Her blonde hair was pulled up in some fancy knot on the back of her head with a few loose stands left to frame her face, while the wide grey-blue eyes were lined in black to make them stand out even more. The simple black heels completed the look of a confident businesswoman. He had thought she was one of the owners coming to cancel his contract until she introduced herself and the other woman asked for them to sit so she could serve the meal.

He hadn't been in The Haven long, and his stay had already been a bit rough. A disagreement with one of the other Alphas had ended with him already receiving a mark against him, and no omega had chosen him yet since he was in the high-risk section. They weren't going to let him stay forever if no one showed any interest in him, so when she said she wanted him to tend her, it had seemed like he would get a chance to prove himself after all. The fact that he would be her first Alpha made her even more appealing.

Austin found it cute that she had wanted to meet with him to be sure he was okay with her choosing him. The woman was obviously well-off, and he figured she would be used to telling people what she wanted and expecting to get it. People in her position didn't usually ask for permission.

Her primness had him itching to ruffle her feathers just to see what would happen, and he almost laughed in her face when her jaw dropped after he questioned if she was really asking if he was okay with being the first Alpha to fuck her. Obviously unused to the blunt language, she still pulled herself together when he pressed her about choosing him. He wasn't really trying to scare her away, he was just trying to see how she responded, and she turned it around by challenging him.

Rock hard, Austin was ready to bend her over the table now and give her a preview of what she could look forward to, but he knew the woman in the scrubs was most likely behind the window and would stop him if he tried. That would probably be his last chance too.

Giving her a smile, he said, "Of course I'm capable, I'm just saying I'm not sure if you're ready for me. I'm not one of the little betas I'm sure you're used to. I'm big, I'm rough, and I have a knot that'll stretch your little pussy to the max. If that's what you want, then I'm perfectly happy to take care of you."

He could smell the omega's arousal from where he sat across from her, though she did a better job of hiding her shock this time. Pupils slightly dilated, she looked like that was exactly what she wanted, and Austin couldn't wait to give it to her.

"Well, I'm glad you agree," she managed to say before focusing back on her lunch.

Finally trying his own, he barely tasted it as he imagined what she would look like without the suit. She had a sweet, slightly citrus scent that made his mouth water and he knew she would taste just as good.

"So when will you be needing my services?" he asked her between bites.

Flicking her gaze up to his for a moment, she responded, "Within the next two weeks."

Nodding, he continued to eat as he thought of another question.

"What made you decide to come to The Haven? This obviously isn't going to be your first heat, yet you say you've never done this before, why now?"

Putting down her fork, she leaned back and studied him. After a moment she finally said, "Curiosity."

A snort of laughter escaped him before he realized she was serious.

"So, you just randomly decided that you were curious about what an Alpha's knot felt like?"

Humming a little she nodded and said, "Basically."

He sat up straight and raised his eyebrows at her as she gave a small shrug.

"I've always spent my heat in my safe room, and I decided it was time to see what it would be like to be tended through my heat instead. I'm at a point in life where I can step back from my career a little and start focusing more on me, and this is the first step in deciding if bonding would be something I want in the future," she explained.

Once the words left her mouth, she seemed to regret them, and he could understand why. A lot of the Alphas at the Haven hoped to find an omega who wanted to bond. It was the only way to get out from under the restrictions that were placed on them. The Haven was the best place to be for an Alpha, but eventually, even the best looking and best behaved still grew too old and were sent to one of the work-camps. Austin had long ago accepted what his life would be like, and only hoped to be at The Haven long enough to get a few rounds in with an omega since it was unlikely that he would ever get the chance again after leaving here. He needed to get a lifetimes worth of memories out of however long he had, and he planned to start those with her.

"Well, if curiosity got you this far, is there anything in specific that you're curious about? Any special requests you want to make while we can discuss the pros and cons?" he asked with a smirk.

Snorting, she rolled her eyes at him, but he could see a smile teasing her full, pink lips.

"I'm sure we can leave that for now," she told him.

Chuckling he responded, "I don't know, we might need to go ahead and establish a safe-word for you."

Raising her eyebrows at him, she cocked her head to the side.

"Will you be capable of listening to me if I used one?"

Considering her question, he shrugged and said, "Probably not, but at least I could say I'd try."

Laughing, she shook her head. "No, you wouldn't. You'll go into a rut as soon as you enter the room and breathe in my pheromones, then you'll proceed to dominate me and demand submission. I've done my research; you don't have to pretend it'll be anything other than you taking whatever you want from me."

Feeling his grin stretching across his face as he imagined doing exactly that, he couldn't help but hope the next couple of weeks passed as fast as possible, because it was going to be torture waiting to get this woman beneath him.

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