Memorable moments: Nat & Bruce

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Your mom was off to work at shield like every normal day. You complained that you were bored so she called Fury and asked for a day off. That surprised you since normally she would just give you extra chores. You didn't mind really. You like helping her.
She took you to your favorite restaurant for lunch and the whole afternoon shopping at the mall. She realized that she left some of her things at Shield yesterday so you guys came to get it. When you went there, she gave you a full tour. From the offices to the place where they keep the aircrafts and ships. You even went to restricted areas because no one can say no to black widow. When you went home you said you wanted to be a shield agent or an avenger when you grow. That was the start of your dream to protect the world.

No doubt you were really smart, you're Bruce's kid. He always makes you join science tournaments which you don't really enjoy even if you always win.
There was a ballet elective at your school and you joined. You didn't tell your dad cause it might disappoint him. You were really good so the teacher gave you a solo for the school recital. The day before your performance, your dad signed you up for another Physics quiz bee that same time as your recital.
"But dad, I I haven't studied yet.   I don't have any time to prepare." you said hoping your excuse could get you put of it. "Nonsense, you never study." your dad said slightly confused because you never say no to a competition. "Dad please, I'll join next time. Plus, we both know I'll win even if I didn't join." you replied annoyed. "Loose the attitude young lady. Now, why won't you join?"
You sighed and just told him the truth. " Dad, I don't really like science, I mean I do but I like dancing more. I do ballet in school and my teacher says I'm really good at it so she gave me a solo. Our recital is tomorrow. I would gladly join the quiz-bee any other day. I don't wanna miss my first performance dad." "Well why didn't you tell me?" He said a little disappointed. " I didn't want to disappoint you. Sorry." "Oh sweetie you could never disappoint me. You could have told me and I could have helped. I'm sorry I push you too much hon" he said as he hugged you.
The next day he came to your recital and all the other avengers too. Apparently your dad invited them and they brought you a bouquet of roses. You were the best performer there and your dad was really proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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