First word and steps: Thor & Clint

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Thor and Lady Sif:
Your mom and dad just finished settling stuff in another planet. Frigga was watching you but left when your parents came. Your dad carried you while your mom played with you. Your dad then put you in the coach to get poptarts but you didn't want him to. You stood up and walked to him. (He was walking slowly knowing you were there) When you reached him they were so happy. "Queen Sif, my love, Lilly had her first steps."
Happy with the result you decided to talk.
"Sif" you said. They praised you "But next time it's mother" Sif said a little sternly.
"What are we waiting for? We must throw a party this instant!" Thor boomed.
They did and like always it was grand.

You were almost one but you still haven't talked or walked witch made your dad worry.
Laura said that it's fine so they decided to wait patiently. Your dad practiced shooting arrows while your mom watched. You wanted to try so you stood up and walked to him. You then said "
"Laura did you see that? Our baby just walked and talked!" Clint said while jumping up and down like a 6 year old.
They took you to the park to celebrate and let you tase the ice cream that they were eating.

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