First word and Steps: Steve and Tony

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Your dad took you to the avengers tower for their meeting and every one started to fawn over you. "Come on Pen, say Dada" Steve said while everyone watched. You were about to say it but then Tony's pen fell down and he said "Fuck".
"Language Tony!There's a baby in front of you!"Steve replied.
You then said "uck". "What did you say darling?" He said worried. "Fuuck" you said again with a smile.
Before your dad could say anything, Tony was already gone. Your dad chased him and the other avengers followed to stop him from murdering your uncle.
They forgot you so you stood up and joined the chase. Thor noticed and called every ones attention. Your dad came to you and hugged you. "I'm so proud of you Doll".
Lets just say that Tony got very lucky and that he owes you a lot.

Your dad invited the avengers for some beer while your mom was on a business trip. Happy was playing with you in the living room but you got bored. You wanted to go see your dad since they were so loud. You walked down the stairs one by one while happy took a video of you. You reached the home bar and saw the avengers playing poker. They didn't know you were there though.
Clint lost and he said "Shit". Before Steve could reply, the all said "Language" to mock him. "Careful Clint, you don't want to upset the star spangled man with a plan" your dad said laughing hysterically.
You couldn't get any ones attention so you said the first word that came into your head. "Wanguage" Cap heard so he came and carried you.  "That's my niece, looks like you know more than your dad kid. Good job doll."
"Hey no fair that's my kid. Gimme that baby".
"Happy, what is Morgan doing here?" your dad asked
"He walked here sir and said Language to get your attention." Happy replied joyfully
"So my daughter said her first word and had her first steps and you didn't call me?" Your dad said half mad.
"To be fair he said his first word here and I have a video sir" Happy replied still joyfully.
  Tony deiced to let it go and played with you instead. "Guys I'll be upstairs with MY baby so continue the poker game with out me."
  We all know that your dad was just pissed because you chose to follow uncle cap's footsteps and he got jealous. Your dad's still proud at you though so when Pepper came home they watched your video together.

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