Memorable moments: Thor & Clint

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"Father may you take me to mid guard?" You said nervously. Your father has only brought you with him once and you were an infant then. "Your too young princess. Maybe when your older." "But father I'm already 10 years old." "10 is a young age. I told you it's too dangerous." You nodded. Oh well you at least you tried. "Excuse me father, I'll be in my room if you need me" you said as you curtsied.
Your father felt guilty of being so over protective but who can blame him your the next queen of Asgard.
The next day you welcomed your mother who just arrived from "Earth". She was helping Coulson and shield with an alien crisis.  She brought you a new outfit (so much more comfortable than the gowns your wearing) with made your dad raise his eyebrow. He quickly let it go because your mom got him 2 boxes of pop tarts.
Your dad told your mom about conversation you had the other night and they made a decision. You all went to mid guard for a day and you had a blast.
You wore the dress your mom got, ate ice cream, went to an amusement park and had dinner with your dad's "Friends from work". Eventually you went home but they promised they would take you there again.
"Best parents ever!"you said to yourself.

*There is so many games to choose from so pick what you like and imagine it that way
You and your dad were pros when it came to gaming. (And archery obviously but that's a story for another day) One day you guys went to the mall shop for groceries. You were surprised to see that your favorite game was hosting a tournament the next day. You told your dad  about it and he was excited. You guys practiced until 3 in the morning.
When you arrived at the tournament, a few guys made fun of you for joining they said they could "beat your ass before it started." and that better it's better of you just continue being a hot chick" you just smirked and did a hair flip. They were right about you being hot. But you proved them wrong when you won first place and  beat everyones ass easily. Your dad was going wild cheering "That's my daughter" witch made you a teeny bit embarrassed. The boys who teased you eventually came to apologize then asked you on a date. You said no because you already had one, your dad.
You guys ate out to celebrate your win and he bought your favorite bubba tea. You came home and spent the night still playing (f/g). You were good but you still can't beat your dad. Someday you thought.
The next morning your mom caught your attention when she saw you on the front page of the news paper. The headline was: "Hawkeyes daughter won gold in gaming competition" you took a picture and went on with your day.

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